gost iz prakse
Mag. Janez Rogelj
Ministrstvo za gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo RS
Naslov predavanja:
(World Trade Organization, Trade Policies and Agreements)
predavanje bo v angleškem jeziku
Koper ǀ 28. maj 2019 ǀ ob 16.30
Fakulteta za management ǀ Trg Brolo 12 ǀ učilnica B2
O predavatelju
Mag. Janez Rogelj je zaposlen kot sekretar v Ministrstvu za gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo v Ljubljani v Sektorju za trgovinsko politiko, kjer se ukvarja s področjem mednarodnega razvojnega sodelovanja, dostopa na trge tretjih držav EU, področja tarifnih opustitev in kvot v EU, trgovinske politike (prostotrgovinski in gospodarski sporazumi EU s tretjimi državami) in druga gospodarska področja. Je magister ekonomskih znanosti, ožje področje: nefinančne storitvene dejavnosti in mednarodna menjava le teh. Na Univerzi v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovni fakulteti Maribor, je vpisal podiplomski doktorski študij ekonomije na Univerzi v Mariboru z odobreno temo doktorskega dela: "Povezanost izvozne in inovacijske intenzivnosti v sektorju poslovnih storitev v Sloveniji".
Med letoma 2011 in 2018 je izvedel in vodil 21 projektov mednarodnega razvojnega sodelovanja - MRS preko UNIDO (16 zaključenih, 4 v teku, 1 nov v pripravi) v skupni višini skoraj 2,8 milijona € in 5 projektov MRS preko CMSR v skupni višini 200.000€ med letoma 2011 in 2018. Projekti so bili izvedeni v regijah Zahodni Balkan, srednja Azija in Afrika (Kenija).
Organiziral in izvedel je več mednarodnih konferenc, med njimi dve pomembnejši:
- o "Krožnem gospodarstvu v turizmu" 7. - 8. maj 2018 v Ljubljani v Sloveniji, v sodelovanju z UNIDO; ob tem še organizacija uradnega obiska namestnika Generalnega direktorja UNIDO g. Hiroshi Kunoyoshi-ja. V projektu so sodelovali predstavniki Univerze na Primorskem, Univerze Maribor, inštitutov s področja razvoja turizma, ekologije iz Slovenije in osrednje Evrope in najboljša turistična podjetja iz Slovenije (69 udeležencev) in
- regionalno konferenco o "Industrijskih in tehnoloških parkih" v Ljubljani v Sloveniji, 7. - 9. april 2014, v sodelovanju z UNIDO in Tehnološkim parkom Ljubljana, ob tem še organizacija uradnega obiska Generalnega direktorja Organizacije Združenih narodov za industrijski razvoj - UNIDO g. Li Yonga. V projektu so sodelovali predstavniki Tehnološkega parka Ljubljana in vseh tehnološko razvojnih centrov držav Z. Balkana in centralne Azije (89 udeležencev).
O predavanju
1. After the World War I world leaders failed to put the world trade and payments system, which had been severely disrupted by the war, to run functionally. In 1942, James Meade, then a U.K. civil servant and later a professor and Nobel laureate in economics, drafted a plan for the International Commercial Union, the trade counterpart to John Maynard Keynes's proposal for an International Clearing Union for postwar financing. The post war plan as a part of a larger economic recovery was discussed on Bretton Woods Conference in 1944.
The basics for the new international trade rules have been established.
Basic facts on international trade system - the birth of GATT Agreement and establishment on the Worlds trade organisation – WTO:
- The birth of GATT and first period of trade rounds (1949 – 1979), the Uruguay round and the creation of the WTO (1986 - 1995)
- WTO from 1994 to 2018 - main events and the main functions, GATT tariff cuts
- Subsidies and countervailing measures - SCM Agreement
- Safeguard and safeguard actions
- What is expected from GATT in the future?
2. The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) is the most important among the World Trade Organization's agreements. The accord is the first and only set of multilateral rules covering international trade in services. It has been negotiated by the Governments themselves and it sets the framework within which firms and individuals can operate.
The contents of the presentation:
- Introduction to service trade and the GATS
- Services and differences between trade in services and goods
- The liberalization of the trade in service and the benefits of services liberalization
- GATS: objectives, coverage and disciplines, structure and some principles of the GATS
- The basic obligations under GATS, specific exemptions and special provisions for developing countries
- The future of the GATS?
3. Technical and non - tariff barriers in goods and services against EU countries
The tariff reduction on goods within the World Trade Organisation - WTO framework has been significant in the last decades of the 20th century. Consequently, the trade on goods should become more and more free and liberal. This led countries and political leaders to looking for other ways for protecting their industries.
There are some indicators to show that protectionism is growing up again. Over the past few years there has been a steady increase of international trade restrictions. During the last few decades the international trade was increasing rapidly until financial crisis in 2007-2008. After that the international trade raised for a few years and then it has started to decrease.
As tariff barriers have been substantially reduced, the crucial roles have started to play technical and non-tariff barriers. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to show what kind of technical and non-tariff barriers have emerged to EU exporters over the past years. A focus is put on different types of technical and non-tariff barriers which are introduced with differences by countries, regions and sectors. They have been implemented to protect local economy and reduce the competition from abroad on their own markets.
Predavatelj bo predaval v angleškem jeziku. Predavanje bo izvedeno v okviru predmeta Mednarodna ekonomija pri prof. dr. Štefan Bojnec.