English Bionote
Aleksander Janeš has a doctoral degree received from the University of Primorska, Faculty of Management. From diversity of experiences in economy, with emphasis on project work in the field of operational management, he continues upgrading his professional experiences and skills in a tertiary education with lecturing, as a researcher in projects with economy and by participating in international projects, and as a licensed EFQM assessor. He received the Breakthrough certificate for Leadership Initiative For Excellence from Consortium Institute of Management and Business Analysis – CIMBA. His research areas are first of all operations management, leadership and quality management and business excellence.Education
Academic year 2024/25
Organization design
first cycle professional study programme (Professional bachelor's degree) Management
Business process management
second cycle Master degree study programme Management
Sustainable management of natural resources
second cycle Master degree study programme Management of Sustainable Development
JANEŠ, Aleksander. 2014. Empirical verification of the balanced scorecard. Industrial management + data systems 114(2): 203–219.
JANEŠ, Aleksander, FAGANEL, Armand. 2013. Instruments and methods for the integration of company's strategic goals and key performance indicators. Kybernetes 42(6): 928–942.
JANEŠ, Aleksander, FAGANEL, Armand. 2013. Instruments and methods for the integration of sustainability in the project management: Case study from Slovenia. In Sustainability integration for effective project management, ur. Gilbert SILVIUS, Jennifer THARP. Hershey, Pa.: IGI Global, 304–407.
PhD, Associate Professor in Management