Borut Kodrič

English Bionote

Borut Kodrič got his PhD in the field of statistics at the Faculty of Economic Ljubljana, Slovenia (interdisciplinary programme Statistics at the University of Ljubljana). In his PhD he analysed the methodology of the total factor productivity index estimation. He is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Management University of Primorska, lecturing on business mathematics and statistics, research methodology in management and statistics in economics and finance. He has authored or co-authored various scientific papers and is currently involved in different research projects.


Academic year 2024/25



KODRIČ, Borut, BREGAR, Lea. 2012. The sensitivity of capital services index on construction price indices. Ekonomska istraživanja 25(3): 666–689.

KODRIČ, Borut, BREGAR, Lea. 2011. The impact of computer price indices on total factor productivity measurement. In Program and abstracts, International Conference Applied Statistics 2011, eds. Lara LUSA, Janez STARE. Ljubljana: Statistical Society of Slovenia.

KODRIČ, Borut. 2009. Statistika cen nepremičnin v luči merjenja kapitala. In Razvojni izzivi Slovenije, eds. Janez NARED, Drago PERKO, 223–232. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC. 



PhD, Assistant Professor in Research Methodology in Social Science

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