Design approach to innovation

60-326  Design approach to innovation

second cycle Master degree study programme Management

Course Supervisor: Prof. Mitja Ruzzier


Course purpose

The purpose of the course is to explain user-driven innovation and to train students to apply design thinking in finding solutions and designing new products/services, or business models of value creating organizations.

Content (Syllabus outline)

  • Key concepts of  business idea implementation on the market and specifics related to small and medium-sized enterprises and final users.
  • The importance of design and design thinking in finding solutions and designing new products /services/business models or other entities in organizations that create new value.
  • Methods of creative thinking to find solutions to user challenges.
  • Ethnographic research and observation methods.
  • The role and importance of an interdisciplinary approach and teamwork in solving problems, designing and implementing entrepreneurial ideas.
  • The role and importance of (rapid) prototyping.
  • Business aspect of the entrepreneurial idea.
  • Implementation of new products and services on the market.
  • The use of ICT tools in the processes of innovation and as support for user involvement in the innovation process.
  • User-driven innovation.





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