60-327 Developing a startup company: from idea to brand
second cycle Master degree study programme Management
Course Supervisor: Prof. Mitja Ruzzier, Assoc. Prof. Jana Hojnik
Course purpose
The course purpose is to gain knowledge and skills related to development and analysis of various elements of brand.
Content (Syllabus outline)
- Specifics and characteristics of startup companies
- Basic elements and importance of brands for successful commercialization of innovations
- The role of users and entrepreneurs in the brand development – two dimensional approach
- User involvement in startup brands co-creation
- The importance of vision and mission – step zero in brand development
- Setting the background: industry analysis, customer, competition and self-analysis
- Story development – invisible startup brand identity Development of visual identity elements (design, packaging, slogan, name, domain)
- Development of visual elements of a brand
- Registration of brands – legal aspects
- Startup brand implementation
- Communication with your target customers and internally with employees
- Metrics: validation and measurement of specific brand elements
- Use of ICT tools and social media in startups’ brand development