06-326 Enterprise and market theory
first cycle academic study programme (Academic bachelor's degree) Management
Course Supervisor: Prof. Štefan Bojnec, Prof. Žiga Čepar
Course purpose
The course purpose is to advance the knowledge about operations of an enterprise and market structures. Within the course, the previously acquired microeconomic knowledge will be deepened and linked with the laws in the field of operation of an enterprise. The purpose of the advancing student knowledge in the field of perfect competition analysis as well as the conveyance of the new knowledge in the field of monopoly analysis, monopolistic competition analysis and analysis of the strategic behaviour using game theory is to equip the future graduates with theoretical knowledge in the field of economics necessary to continue higher education study in the next cycle or to use it in a business environment.
Content (Syllabus outline)
- Economising and economic environment of an enterprise.
- Application of cost theory in an enterprise on advanced level and cost price calculation.
- The purchasing function in an enterprise (tasks, objectives, functions, needs perception, the purchase price calculation, the choice of the supplier, inventories).
- Analysis of a break-even point.
- Analysis of the enterprise’s performance (business performance indicators, ABC method).
- General equilibrium model in perfect competition.
- Monopoly and its regulation.
- Monopolistic competition.
- Game theory.