Ethics and Culture in Business World

06-320  Ethics and Culture in Business World

first cycle academic study programme (Academic bachelor's degree) Management

Course Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Primož Šterbenc


Course purpose

  • To acquaint students with the basics of understanding of culture, ethics and business ethics and train them for independent ethical decision-making and theoretical research of ethics.

Content (Syllabus outline)

  • Introduction: the purpose of the subject and overview of the topics. The importance of a historical-critical approach to ethics. Clarification of basic concepts and categories: ethics, business ethics, culture, business world.
  • Clarification of culture: origin, manifestations - especially values, levels, research of value orientations, intercultural contacts.
  • Clarification of the origin of ethics: the historical context (fundamentals in the Antiquity -Plato, Aristotle), the political context.
  • The end of ancient ethics and the emergence of morality in Jewish-Christian tradition. The role of the Bible in the formation of moral categories. Jewish-Christian understanding of basic ethical categories: goodness, justice, freedom ... Understanding the business world in Jewish-Christian tradition.
  • The role of Protestantism in the creation of the modern business world and the emergence of new, Protestant ethics.
  • The moral context of the emergence of modern economics: Adam Smith as a moral philosopher and the "father" of modern economics. The relocation of some essential ethical elements, for example: justice and selfishness.
  • Kant's ethics of duty.
  • The role of management in shaping the business world: the ethical aspects of managerial theories from Taylor to Drucker.
  • Practical aspects of business ethics; case studies.
  • Values of individual and values of organisation.
  • Values and interests of different stakeholders in the organisation.
  • Social responsibility of the company, including dilemmas of dismissal of employees.





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