Final Bachelor exam

06-331  Final Bachelor exam

first cycle academic study programme (Academic bachelor's degree) Management


Course purpose

The Final Bachelor Exam is one of two possible ways of completing the Management bachelor study programme (valid for those enrolled up to and including 2023/2024, canceled from 2024/2025).

By passing the Final Bachelor Exam the student shows in-depth knowledge in the field of expertise, where the problem questions of the Final Bachelor Exam are contained in the content.

The Final Bachelor Exam consists of written and oral part.

Through written part, the student demonstrates the use of theoretical knowledge in practice, the ability to work independently and the ability to present the acquired knowledge and skills in writing.

With his oral presentation, the student demonstrates the ability of oral presentation and interpretation of the acquired knowledge and skills.


Content (Syllabus outline)

Graduation Seminar meeting: the student is acquainted with the process of completing studies, rules, deadlines, structure of the diploma examination.

The student receives two professional texts, which he examines in several aspects and areas. The student prepares a written assignment and presents and defends their findings and positions in front of the commission.

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