06-346 Work placement/Internship
first cycle academic study programme (Academic bachelor's degree) Management
Course Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dušan Gošnik
Course purpose
- The student can choose to do a Work placement/O izvajanju strokovne Internship in an organisation as an elective content in the 3rd year. The main purpose of the internship/work placement is to enable the student to gain an insight into the functioning of the business environment and enable him them to use acquired knowledge in business practice.
Content (Syllabus outline)
Lecture: About the internship/ work placement.
Work placement/Internship in the organisation of 120
hours/3 weeks.
Through the work placement/ internship, the student learns about the organisation's environment, including its structure, business functions and decision-making processes.
During the work placement/internship, the student keeps a diary and completes a portfolio. Upon completion of the work placement internship the student prepares a report which they presents to the work placement head during their exam/defence.
Work placement/internship is regulated
in the Implementation of work placement regulations. Students can find further detailed information in
the e-classroom.