06-342 Sociology of work
first cycle academic study programme (Academic bachelor's degree) Management
Course Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Klemen Širok
Course purpose
- The course deals with work and its central role in individual and social life. The focus of this course is work: how it developed into its present forms; how it is organised; how individuals experience it; and the social relationships and institutional frameworks so essential for it to occur. The future of work will also be explored.
Content (Syllabus outline)
- Work from a historical perspective (from work as an economic activity to work as employment)
- Division of labour and work through the perspectives of society and of individual
- Work, profession, professionalisation and social inequality
- Impact of globalisation on the concept of work
- New forms of employment, unemployment, nonpaid work, precarious work, work out of employment
- Demographic changes and employment trends
- The future of work