UP employees will have a rich programme of workshops, hikes, excursions, and other activities on the day, to which students are also invited. Following last year's survey, we have made every effort to ensure that you can attend several events during the day.
- Morning yoga with SportUP: (Difficulty: 2)
Morning yoga to start your day. In the courtyard of the Armeria or the UP sport hall at 8.00.
- Seafront walk from Koper to Izola (and back): (Difficulty: 1)
A relaxed walk to Simon's Bay with the possibility of a guided tour of the Archaeological Park OR a relaxed walk to Simon's Bay with the possibility of a guided tour of the InnoRenew CoE building.
The meeting point will be at the entrance to the gravel car park in Žusterna at 9.30.
- Sprehoda ob morju od Turistice do Pirana (in nazaj), z ogledom Akvarija: (Težavnost: 1)
Sproščen sprehod do Pirana z možnostjo vodenega ogleda Akvarija. Zbirališče bo na parkirišču ob Turistici ob 9.30.
- Seafront walk from Turistica to Piran (and back), with a visit to the Aquarium: (Difficulty: 1)
A relaxed walk to Piran with the possibility of a guided tour of the Aquarium. Meeting point at the Turistica car park at 9.30.
Tinjan hike with SportUP: (Difficulty: 3)
A circular walk along the trail to Tinjan. The meeting point will be at the cemetery parking lot in Dekani at 9.30.
- Cycling trip along the Parenzana from Koper to Piran (and back): (Difficulty: 3)
Cycling trip from Koper to Piran, with the possibility to visit the Aquarium and back. Full equipment is required. The meeting point will be in front of the UP building at 9.00 (possible combination with yoga) and in Žusterna at 9.15.
- Therapeutic Tea Party with Poetry Reading (from 9.00 to 10.30, Armerija UP lobby): the UP Book Club meeting will take the form of a tea party, where we will read and listen to each other, the purpose of the meeting is to spend some time in a café atmosphere... in the company of a book, of course.
- UPreplet (UP Volunteering) workshop (from 10.30 to 12.30 in the foyer of the UP Armoury): "Rokavčki pomagački" are knitted or crocheted squares of 30 x 30 cm, which are then sewn into a tube and sewn with buttons and other decorations. They are intended for people with dementia, as they calm them and help with therapies, and their beneficial effects are certified by the Spominčica Association, which also accepts them on request. You can make the gloves all the time, you can start and then pass them on to the next person, or just stop and chat over a cup of tea and coffee.
- Board Games Tournament (from 10.30 to 12.30 in the Meeting Rooms of the UP Armoury): there will be competitions in activities and tarok.
- UPdate (from 10.00 to 11.00, various locations): you can sign up for a chat with your colleagues. After the registration closes, we will form groups and you will receive an email with the time and location of the meeting where you will meet and chat with 3 UP colleagues - be surprised. If the conversation doesn't go well, the conversation cards will help you.
- Ponovitev premiere PEF Teatra (od 19.00 do 20.30) v Centru mladih Koper. Napoved predstave: V premožni družini se prepletajo prijateljstvo, sovraštvo, ljubezen, ljubosumje in spletke. Po pretresljivem dogodku detektiv preiskuje primer in ga poskuša rešiti. Katera ženska ima dovolj velik motiv? Je zločin zakrivilo več žensk? Je sploh katera kriva? Predstava je prirejena je po francoskem filmu z istoimenskim naslovom, pripravili pa so jo študenti UP PEF. Vstopnina: prostovoljni prispevek.
- Luka, SportUP: About sleep (workshop, from 13.00-14.00): This virtual workshop will teach us about the biological rhythms that have an important influence on the quality of sleep and consequently on our wakeful energy levels and long-term health. We will also learn about the different types of sleep and their importance.
- Growth Mindset Teaching in (Higher) Education International Conference. The event is free to attend and open to all higher education teachers. The programme is a full day, but you can attend only a few lectures. The conference programme is available here: . More about the project > HERE <.
On the occasion of World Ethics Day on 20 October, the UP Commission for Ethics in Research Involving Human Subjects (KER) is organising an event aimed at raising ethical awareness. They want to highlight the topics that most often cause problems when submitting applications to the KER. The event is aimed at all UP employees, especially those who have submitted or will submit applications.More >> HERE