Faculty of management and Elsevier
are presenting a seminar for researchers, editors and academic journal publishers about
SCOPUS: wealth of world class research and selection criteria and process
Seminar delivered by Katarzyna Gaca-Zając, PhD Eng., Elsevier - Scopus
moderated by Prof. Ajda Fošner, PhD, UP Faculty of management
Koper ǀ April 3rd 2020 ǀ 9.00 AM
Faculty of Management ǀ Brolo square 12 | lecture room B3
Due to restrictive measures the seminar will be postponed. We will update the date as soon as possible.
Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database containing information on peer-reviewed literature published by more than 5,000 international publishers. The purpose of this tailor-made training is to familiarize researchers, librarians and information specialists with the content, as well as with the most useful tools and functions incorporated in this solution. The training includes several on-line workflow examples and the participants are welcome to take active part.
About lecturer
Katarzyna Gaca-Zając, PhD Eng. – a graduate of University of Strathclyde, with almost a decade of experience in research and teaching at an academic level in Europe; a specialist in polymer chemistry and studies of chemical reactions’ kinetics. Currently a Customer Consultant for Central-Eastern Europe in Elsevier. A knowledgeable expert on scientific databases and Elsevier solutions for researchers and information specialists, who is passionate about ethics in scientific publishing, as well as about widely understood bibliometrics.
The seminar will be moderated by prof. Ajda Fošner, PhD.
The semminar will be held in two sessions:
The purpose of this tailor-made training is to familiarize researchers, librarians and information specialists with the content, as well as with the most useful tools and functions incorporated in this solution. The training includes several on-line workflow examples and the participants are welcome to take active part.
- Scopus coverage and selection criteria
- Journal quality assessment: bibliometric parameters
- Author and affiliation profiles
- On-line workflow examples
This session is suitable for researchers at all levels (including PhD students) and librarians.
10.30 - 11.00 COFFEE BREAK
The purpose of this tailor-made seminar is to comprehensively present the selection criteria, as well as the selection process which is carried out by the independent Content and Selection Advisory Board, and resulting in expansion of the list of indexed journals. Editors will have an opportunity to learn also what are the most commonly met shortcomings in journals and how they can be remedied, so that the journal chances.
- Scopus coverage
- Selection criteria
- Selection process explained
- Curation programme in Scopus
- Support for journals: pre-evaluation
This session is suitable for editors and journal publishers (academic).
You are kindly asked to apply for the spot in the seminar by following THIS LINK. By sending the application we will be able to notify you in case of any changes and send you a reminder mail one day before the event.