Conference: 1-day simulation of the International Monetary Fund

2/22/2019 11:00 AM | Pretorska palača, Koper, Titov trg 3




Faculty of Management, University of Primorska

with the collaboration of

Zavod Lomonosov Koper

in cooperaation with the 

Model United Nations Slovenia Club (MUNSC)


is organising a 1-day simulation of the


 on the topic of increasing global demand


Koper ǀ 22 February 2019 ǀ from 11 am to 7 pm
Pretorska palača ǀ Titov trg 3 ǀ conference room


This simulation will follow the standard Model United Nations rule-set where each participant is going to be put into the position of representing a country in a moderated debate in this committee and execute their role to the best of their abilities.
The simulation will be conducted entirely in English and the dress code for the participants will be either business formal, business casual or in the traditional garment of the state being represented.
Food and drink will be taken care of.

If you are interested in this event, your are kindly invited to apply through the following link::

The deadline for applications is 8 February 2019.

 Looking forward to seeing you there.


Friday, February 1, 2019 | FM

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