Guest lecturer dr. Eva Kašparová

11/13/2017 9:30 AM | Faculty of Management, Koper, Trg Brolo 12, lecture room B5

guest lecturer 



assoc. prof. dr. Eva Kašparová
Senior Lecturer on Managerial Sociology at University of Economics,
Prague, Czech Republic


Lecture title:




Koper ǀ 13 November 2017 ǀ at 9.30 a.m.
Faculty of management ǀ Trg Brolo 12 ǀ Lecture room B5






Dr Eva Kašparová is a researcher, consultant, educator and evaluator with more than twenty five years of teaching experience and industrial experience. She is currently working as an Associate Professor at Department of Managerial
Psychology and Sociology, at Faculty of Business Administration, University of Economics in Prague. She is a member of a lot of national and international professional bodies as well as an author of scientific articles and chapters of books. Research interests: System´s Theory, Organization Theory, Managerial Sociology, Managing people and Organization, Organizational Change Managing, Advanced Manufacturing and Services, Digital Manufacturing and its development, Role of Education in Digital Economy, HR Management, Virtual Organization Perspectives, Online E-Learning Development and Training, Virtual Teamwork Training, Telework (Telecommuting) Development, External and Internal Communication in
Visiting professor is coming to Faculty of Management within the project Erasmus+ Academic Exchange.


New technologies are giving humans increasing power over both the physical and social world. The purpuse of the lecture is to encourage the students to think about the social, ethical and economic consequences of the ICT usage in the practice, especally how this technology and the appropriate preparation might be used by the business community, and how it may affect the world. The discussion with the students on the given topic will be a part of the lecture.





Tuesday, November 7, 2017 | FM

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