Guest lecturer: European Law and Institutions

5/11/2017 1:00 PM | Faculty of Management, Koper, Trg Brolo 12, lecture room B3

guest lecturer 



Petja Plauštajner
lawyer in Law office Plaustajner 



Lecture title:



Koper ǀ 11 May 2017 ǀ at 1 pm
Faculty of Management ǀ Trg Brolo 12 ǀ lecture room B3




Guest lecturer Petja Plauštajner is a lawyer, working in a family run boutique law office in Ljubljana. As a lawyer, she works mainly in the field of commercial and civil law. Her expertise includes also international law, in particular international arbitration. She is also a member of the Slovenian delegation to the CCBE (Council of the Bars and Law Societies of Europe) and a member of the administrative board of Slovenian Bar Association.


In her presentation with the title »Institutions of European Union and European Law« Petja Plauštajner will give a general overview of the institutions forming European Uninon and distinction between Directives and Regulatives in relation to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.


Wednesday, May 3, 2017 | FM

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