guest lecturer 
Petja Plauštajner
lawyer in Law office Plaustajner
Lecture title:
Koper ǀ 10 January 2017 ǀ at 1 pm
Faculty of Management ǀ Trg Brolo 12 ǀ lecture room B6
Guest lecturer Petja Plauštajner is a lawyer, working in a family run boutique law office in Ljubljana. As a lawyer, she works mainly in the field of commercial and civil law. Her expertise includes also international law, in particular international arbitration. She is also a member of the Slovenian delegation to the CCBE (Council of the Bars and Law Societies of Europe) and a member of the administrative board of Slovenian Bar Association.
In her presentation with the title »FIDIC Investment Contract« Petja Plauštajner will give a general overview of FIDIC contract samples and give an answer as to which of the contract samples to use and when. She will conclude her lecture by briefly presenting the procedures of solving disputes under FIDIC contracts.