1/12/2017 4:00 PM
| Faculty of Management, Koper, Trg Brolo 12, lecture room B7
guest lecturer
Petar Vujević head of restructuring investments, Banka Koper former basketball player
Lecture title:
Koper ǀ 12 January 2017 ǀ at 4 pm Faculty of Management ǀ Trg Brolo 12 ǀ lecture room B7
About lecture
The aim of the presentation is to portrait the way sports in particular basketball is approached in the USA at a collegiate level, professionally in Slovenia as well as in Italy and Germany. The guest lecturer will discuss the working conditions in the aforementioned countries as he has been involved there through basketball one way or another. His proposal is to start and explain how sports/basketball is approached by all the stakeholders, what are the strengths and weaknesses of each system according to his experience and what type of contracts a player encounters in each let’s call it for the sake of argument jurisdiction.