MIC 2018
Management International Conference
MIC 2018:
organised by
University of Primorska, Faculty of Management (Slovenia),
Moscow School of Economics, Moscow State University, (Russian Federation)
Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Faculty of Economics and Tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković" (Croatia)
Association for the Study of East European Economies and Cultures (USA)
Society for the Study of Emerging Markets (USA)
Bled, Slovenia ǀ 30 May – 2 June 2018
Hotel Golf ǀ Cankarjeva cesta 4
Discussion tracks
Management, economics, finance, tourism and energy.
The special feature of this year's conference is a programme track on Digital Society.
The conference programme features
- keynote addresses,
- high-quality research paper presentations in concurrent sessions,
- poster presentations,
- editors' panel and exhibition of Journals, supporting the conference,
- doctoral students’ workshop and other thematic workshops (see also Call for Workshops and Special Sessions).
Submission and Registration
The paper submission process is organized in two steps:
- Abstract submission before the conference starts.
- Full Paper submission after the conference for:
- MIC 2018 Conference Proceedings or
- special issues of journals supporting the MIC 2018.
The submission and review process takes place online. In order to submit your paper, you should first register online to the conference information system. After entering the conference system you will find a form for submitting your abstract online.
- In order to register and submit your extended abstract (paper) click here.
- The extended abstract (paper) should be prepared using the template available here.
Publication Possibilities
Abstracts of papers will be published in the MIC 2018 Book of Abstracts, ready for the conference.
Authors, who submit their abstracts, are invited to submit full papers to the MIC 2018 Conference Proceedings, published after the conference, or to the supporting journals, including:
- Academica Turistica - Tourism and Innovation Journal
- Borsa Istanbul Review
- Economic Research - Ekonomska istraživanja
- Economic Systems
- Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast
- Emerging Markets Finance and Trade
- International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics
- Journal of the New Economic Association/ Zhournal Novoi Ekonomicheskoi Associacii
- Management
- Management and Production Engineering Review
- Managing Global Transitions
- Review of Innovation and Competitiveness
Some of the journals listed above will also prepare special issues devoted to the MIC 2018 conference. These issues will carry revised and substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at the MIC 2018. A full list of special issues is available here.
Important Dates
- Abstract submission deadline: has been extended to 15 March2018
- Notification of acceptance: 20 March 2018
- Registration and Payment Deadline: 31 March 2018 (early bird); late registration: 15 April 2018
- Conference: 30 May - 2 June 2018
- Full Paper submission for Journals' Special Issues: 30 June 2018
- Full Paper submission for Conference Proceedings: 30 September 2018
Conference Fee
Early registration and payment (by 31 March 2018):
- participant: 350 EUR
- PhD student: 150 EUR
- accompanying person: 150 EUR
Late registration and payment (1 – 15 April 2018):
- participant: 400 EUR
- PhD student: 200 EUR
- accompanying person: 200 EUR
E-mail: mic@fm-kp.si
Website: www.mic.fm-kp.si