The academic bodies of the Faculty are: The Dean, Faculty Senate, Faculty Academic Assembly, Faculty Management Board and Student Council.
The Faculty Dean is elected by the Faculty Academic Assembly every four years. The Dean is the head of the Faculty ensuring legality and efficiency of business operations. He represents the Faculty and manages the educational, research and strategic development of the Faculty, conducting tasks based on law, the University of Primorska Charter, the UP Statute, and the Rector’s authorisations, transferred onto the Dean by the Rector. The Dean is a member of the Senate as per position. The Dean has a managerial team of Vice Deans and Secretary General who make daily operational decisions.
The Faculty Senate is the highest academic and professional body adopting development programmes, study programmes and discussing reports on goal attainments. The Senate is composed of professors and scientists and has a mandate of four years. The Senate holds scheduled meetings once a month where operational matters are discussed.
Academic Assembly
The Faculty Academic Assembly is composed of academics and researchers. The academic assembly votes candidates for Dean, members of the Senate and discusses the Senate’s as well as Dean's proposals for changes and common issues to the academia. It meets twice annually and more often when needed. The Academic Assembly's responsibilities and tasks are defined in the UP FM Organisational Regulations.
Management board
The Faculty Management board discusses issues concerning management of funds and assets obtained on our behalf/account, adopt and discuss financial reports etc. The Management Board adopts annual reports and decides on, in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation, the allocation of surplus revenue over expenditures and the excess of expenditure over revenue accruing from the activity of the institution concerning resources not provided by the Republic of Slovenia. The Management board is composed of representatives of academics, representatives of administrative services, representatives of students and representatives of the community. The Management Board holds meetings 2 to 4 times a year.
Student Council
UP FM Student Council is a student body of the Faculty. It is composed of at least nine members, elected from the student body by students themselves. The Student Council can regulate in detail its work through independently adopted regulations. The most important tasks include: deliberating on all matters regarding students’ rights and duties; providing opinion on the basis of a student survey on the educational activities in the process of election to the titles of professors and employees; forming student opinion for the Student Council of the university and electing members of the working bodies and bodies of the members from the ranks of students; forming opinion on the candidates for the Dean; etc.; representatives of students are present in all Faculty bodies.