Quality assurance


At UP Faculty of Management, we are aware of the importance of monitoring ensuring, and improving the quality of study programmes, scientific research, developmental work, and organizational processes.
We monitor student satisfaction every academic year through student surveys and conducting interviews with students according to each study programme. The students are taking questionnaires online environment after each semester at the end of the courses. Group interviews with students take place in May and June.

Employee satisfaction is monitored by employee surveys every academic year. Annually, we hold up to four academic staff conferences at which we discuss current topics and issues arising during the academic year.

We monitor graduates' employment every third academic year by surveying graduates in October.


Yearly quality assurance reports are prepared:

  • Report on academic activity in which the monitoring, assessment, and quality assurance of the institution and its educational activities are presented,
  • A report and analysis on student satisfaction and employee satisfaction are prepared every year for the past academic year.
  • Self-evaluation report with performance indicators for each study programme. Based on the Evaluation Rules of the University of Primorska, the self-evaluation report provides an assessment of the situation and an analysis of strengths and weaknesses, as well as suggestions and recommendations for improving quality. The report monitors indicators from areas such as organization, teaching and research activity, international cooperation, lifelong learning, personnel, spatial and material conditions, and financing of activities.
  • Every year, UP FM prepares an Annual Business Report and an Annual work programme, which contains goals set for each academic year, the expected results, and the realization of the goals. The comparison between the expected results and the realization for each academic year enables the monitoring of the achievement of quality assurance goals.

Reports are prepared in Slovene language and are published on the Slovene website at this link 

We strive to upgrade the existing monitoring, identification, and quality assurance system. In December 2015, the Senate of UP FM adopted the UP FM Quality Handbook.


Honoring excellence 

We honor the best students, graduates, and employees annually by awarding recognitions and awards for above-average achievements and performance excellence.

Call for nominations for recognitions and awards for academic year 2022/2023

Application for nominations (.doc, 83 KB)


Recipients of recognitions and awards - students and graduates (in Slovene)

Recipients of recognitions and awards - employees (in Slovene)

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