The project intends to increase, the corporate population of small and medium-sized enterprises, the transnational partners’ reference contexts, and the special skills, and knowledge of digital, cross-cultural international business management. The project is based on a systemic vision of an organizational/managerial, commercial, relational, and marketing nature, functional to define a correct and sustainable strategic planning of the international digital projection of companies, in response to the strongly felt need to enter, develop and remain in international business circuits.
Lead partner
Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije, Center za poslovno usposabljanje - GZS CPU
Project Manager
Mojca Cek
Project Manager at UP FM
Prof. Anita Trnavčević
Project Partners
- Faculty of Management and Faculty of Tourism Studies - Turistica (University of Primorska),
- Università Politecnica delle Marche - UNIVPM (Italy),
- CONFORM S.c.a.r.l (IT),
- Pavia Sviluppo (Italy),
- Camara Italiana de Barcelona (ES),
- Research Centre for the Global Economy (PL).
Project number
28. 2. 2022 - 27. 2. 2024 (extended till 30.4.2024)
The project's objectives
- To increase the digital, international business management skills of 80 workers of small companies in Slovenia, Poland, Italy, Spain, and Greece functional to define correct and sustainable planning of digital, international company projection;
- to align a group of partnership trainers and consultants (16), involved in two international mobilities to acquire the logic of the crossroads-based story to represent behaviors, situations, and relational dynamics typical of digital business internationalization;
- to co-elaborate a European blended training supply that is innovative and in line with the needs of workers and companies to improve their development opportunities in the globalized economy;
- pilot the training course with at least 80 workers from European SMEs involved in the partnership.
Project phases and their implementation
The project has 3 key strands:
- a snapshot of the state of digitization of MSP in national contexts;
- preparation of content for MSP staff training;
- piloting the developed training content.
All project partners are involved in all steps, and UP FM is also in charge of quality assurance and evaluation.
- Uvodni sestanek za I.D.E.A
- 1st Newsletter/1. Novičnik za I.D.E.A projekt
- 2. transnacionalno srečanje za I.D.E.A./2nd transnational meeting for the I.D.E.A.
- Spletna stran projekta
- Digitalizacija v podjetništvu - I.D.E.A. / Digitalisation in Business - I.D.E.A.
- 3rd Newsletter I.D.E.A.
- I.D.E.A video | I.D.E.A video
- Inovativno srečanje projekta I.D.E.A v Barceloni prinaša odlične rezultate | The innovative meeting of the I.D.E.A. project in Barcelona brings excellent results
- I.D.E.A. projekt: nova orodja za internacionalizacijo in digitalni marketing | I.D.E.A. project: new tools for internationalisation and digital marketing
- Diseminacijski dogodek - Promocija digitalnega poslovanja in uporabniška izkušnja projekta IDEA
- I.D.E.A. projekt zaključuje svojo pot | I.D.E.A. Project completes its journey
- Unlock Your Global Potential with I.D.E.A. Training | Odkrijte svoj globalni potencial z I.D.E.A. usposabljanjem
- Diseminacija digitalnega poslovanja s projektom I.D.E.A. | Disseminating digital business with I.D.E.A. project
- 4th Newsletter I.D.E.A. - SI| 4th Newsletter I.D.E.A. - EN
- Zaključna konferenca projekta I.D.E.A.
- 5th Newsletter I.D.E.A. (SI) | 5th Newsletter I.D.E.A. (EN)
- Zaključna konferenca na GZS: poudarki in uspehi Erasmus+ projekta I.D.E.A. | Closing conference at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia: highlights and successes of the Erasmus+ project I.D.E.A.
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union for an amount of EUR 299.450,00.