On the 20th and 21st of October 2022 prof. Anita Trnavčević attended 2nd transnational meeting for the I.D.E.A. (Internationalization and Digitalization European Approach) project in Athens 🇬🇷, hosted by Hellenic American Union.
Main milestones that were reached during the meeting:
- we developed the structure and defined the content of the learning program. We decided to create 2 main modules, each consisting of 4 units. The content of one module will be based on a strategy for internationalization and the content of the second module will be based on digital tools for internationalization,
- the 2nd Project Result was presented, where we will focus on developing content for the online platform in form of interactive training video pills and 3D gamified training pills with narrative crossroads.
Partners of this project are:
- Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije, Center za poslovno usposabljanje - GZS CPU
Univerza na Primorskem Universita' del Litorale,
Fakulteta za management, prof. dr. Anita Trnavčević, prof. dr. Roberto Biloslavo, prof. dr. Tina Vukasović,
Fakulteta za turistične študije – TURISTICA, izr. prof. dr. Aleksandra Brezovec,
Università Politecnica delle Marche - UNIVPM (Italija),
Research Centre for the Global Economy (Poljska),
CONFORM in Pavia Sviluppo (Italija),
Camara Italiana de Barcelona in PIMEC (Španija),