5th newsletter from the SMaRT project

In May 2022, the S.Ma.R.T. project started with the first round of multiplier events, and now the 5th newsletter has been published. Other events will follow, which will end with the project conference on the 21-22. September in Tarragona.

The S.Ma.R.T project designs and develops training based on virtual games, educational videos, and practical experience. This training is geared toward commercial technicians and seeks to enhance the internationalization of agri-food companies. Interested in the learning programme can access the curriculum at the Erudire learning platform.

The fifth S.MA.R.T.-newsletter is already available on the project website.

The newsletter presents the recent activities and invites for inscription in the final conference of the project, which will be held on 21 September 2022 at the Universitat Rovira I Virgil, Tarragona, Spain.

Read more about this in the 5th SMaRT Newsletter.

Monday, August 8, 2022 | FM | International Cooperation

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