The Final Conference of the S.Ma.R.T was held at the Sala Paranimf in the Edificio del Rectorado de la URV; C/ de l’Escorxador, s/n 43003 Tarragona. Around 40 persons from Italy, Poland, Slovenia, and Catalonia attended the conference. Among the assistance were represented from the Catalan Government, Catalan enterprises, Chambers of Commerce from Slovenia and Catalonia, the Catalan Entrepreneur Association of Small and Medium Enterprises PIMEC, Italian consultancy, universities of the four partner countries, and the Catalan public enterprise Prodeca. The conference was also transmitted by streaming.
The conference was closed with the 3rd round table under the title “A new training curriculum to fulfill job market needs in the agri-food sector” moderated by Mercè Gisbert Cervera (Coordinator of Research group ARGET - Applied Research Group in Education and member of Technology and LATE - Laboratory of Applications for the Educational technology at the URV). Represents of the university partners of the project Maciej Pietrzykowski (the Poznań University of Economics and Business); Prof. Anita Trnavčević (University of Primorska Faculty of Management); Silvio Cardinali (Marche Polytechnic University) and Karsten Krüger (Universitat Rovira i Virgili) discussed the impact of the project on the education offers at their university, the cooperation between business and universities, and the future of digital education.
The project manager of the SMaRT project at UP FM is Prof. Anita Trnavčević, and our Vice-Dean, Assoc. Prof. Armand Faganel also participates in the project as a researcher.
Read more about this in the 7th SMaRT Newsletter.