A consortium of universities to strengthen support for the transfer of science into business
On 5 June 2024, the Centre for Knowledge Development and Transfer of the University of Primorska, Faculty of Management (CRPZ UP FM), together with the Knowledge Transfer Office of the University of Ljubljana and the Knowledge Transfer Service of the University of Maribor, participated in the inaugural meeting of the Consortium of University Offices for the Upgrading of Knowledge Transfer Support (UNIK@TT 2024-2029).
The Consortium, which is composed of representatives of all three public universities in Slovenia, is committed to improving the transfer of scientific achievements to the economy and society. The aim of the consortium is to support all students and researchers in the transfer of scientific achievements and thus strengthen the role of universities in the Slovenian and global innovation ecosystem. The plan is also to work closely with another consortium of research institutes: Institut “Jožef Stefan”, Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo, Kemijski inštitut Slovenije, Fakulteta za informacijske študije, Geološki zavod Slovenije, Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije, Kemijski inštitut, Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije, Rudolfovo, Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Koper.
The Centre for Knowledge Development and Transfer (CRPZ UP FM) leads two key working groups:
- A working group to develop criteria for knowledge valorization,
- The Working Group on Non-Technological Innovation and Interdisciplinary Cooperation.
The five-year project will include workshops, training, mentoring and other related events, inviting employees, students, companies, NGOs, experts, innovators and the media.
The project is co-funded by the IGC with € 2,150,000, enabling a more efficient transfer of knowledge from academia to business and strengthening the role of universities in the innovation ecosystem.
Further articles about the Consortium can be found at:
Univerze združujejo moči za prenos znanstvenih dosežkov v gospodarstvo (upr.si)