At its first regular session held on 18 April 2023, the electoral commission for the implementation of the regular election of members of the University of Primorska Management Board received and opened the nominations for the appointment of members of the University of Primorska Management Board.
Based on the nominations received, it compiled two lists of candidates:
The right to vote for representatives of the University from among employees engaged in higher education activities or scientific research is granted to higher education teachers, researchers, higher education associates, and research associates who are employed by the University and have been appointed to the positions of higher education teachers, researchers, higher education associates or research associates.
The regular elections for the members of the Governing Board of the University of Primorska will take place on Thursday, June 15, 2023 from 9 am to 4 pm.
Early elections will be held on Monday, June 12, 2023 from 9 am to 12 noon.
The voting station will be located in Koper, at the headquarters of the University of Primorska, Titov trg 4, ground floor of the Armerija Palace.