On September 8, 2023, the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency (ARIS) published the results of the selection of applications for the Call for Proposals for Co-funding of Longer-Term Large Research and Innovation Collaborative Programmes in the TRL 3-6 scale. The call was carried out under the Recovery and Resilience Plan, Development Area 3 "Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth" and the RRI component "Research, Development and Innovation", and Investment B: "Co-financing of longer-term large collaborative research and innovation programmes at TRL 3-6 scale", call action abbreviation C3.K8.IB (for milestones 112 and 113 and for targets 115 and 116).
The objective of the call for proposals was to promote research and development and innovation (RRI) programmes in consortia of public research organisations and enterprises in the field of green transition and digitalisation for the development of new or improved products, processes or services, in line with the Recovery and Resilience Plan. In this initiative, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation acted as the lead agency, while ARIS took on the role of the call for tenders operator.
Among the highly competitive applications, ARIS selected four RRI programmes from consortia of at least three public research organisations and at least four companies, with the aim of contributing to the green transition and digitisation.
One of the programmes successfully selected for (co)funding is entitled "GREENTECH: developing the factories and products of the future for the green transition", led by the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, under the leadership of Prof. Mihael Sekavčnik. Among the partners of this ambitious project is also the University of Primorska, Faculty of Management, Prof. Borut Likar and Assist. Peter Štrukelj.
The implementation of the selected RRI programmes that have received (co-)funding will start on January 1, 2024 and will end no later than June 30, 2026.
Congratulations to all participants! Together we can shape a better, sustainable future!
More information HERE.