On Thursday, 27 October, UP FM hosted an exceptional guest, Ms. Poonam Barua, Executive Director of WILL Forum India and Founder and Chairperson of the "Forum for #Women in Leadership". The guest was welcomed by the Dean of UPFM, Assoc. Prof. Tatjana Horvat.
Branding with authenticity: Making the WILL Forum a Global business brand.
"Branding is never about giving, branding is about how you make somebody feel" was one of Poonam Barua's opening words. She continued, that it is necessary and important that the energy comes from us, that's how we will share and create our brand most easily and successfully. Perception is reality, people decide, often quickly, what you or the company or the organization are capable of based on first impressions. These judgments affect your Brand's ability to influence. Stakeholders perceive you are a leader in the industry. Users can comprehend your critical thinking skills and thought processes. We have to get and keep people's attention. You truly look broader than your own Product - community appeal. You are seen as Ethical, Innovative, and fast-paced, with Excellent Communication skills. Consistently deliver exceptional results to the product. We have to make a difference to each consumer and demonstrate a sense of urgency and drive to win. Present new ideas and always relate them directly to current business needs.
Poonam Barua is an accomplished Global business leader, Economist, Independent Board Director, CEO of WILL Forum India, and Founder Chairman of the "Forum for #Women in Leadership". She is the Author of the pioneering Book "Leadership by Proxy: The Story of Women in Corporate India" published in December 2015.
Presently, the WILL Forum India she founded 14 years ago with the mission of advancing women in leadership has over 6000 women (and men) participating from 250 leading companies and multinationals, and 1000 WILL Mentees. She has authored 15 Research Reports including the best-selling "50 Best Practices for Women in the Workplace" and "Balanced Boards for Good Governance" and benchmarked several companies as "Best Employers for Women" for closing the Gender Leadership Gap.
She was a member of the Board of Directors of the Vedica Women's Scholarship Fund and a Director of PAMASIA Global New Delhi, a company specialising in global corporate advisory and leadership development for diverse stakeholders. Beneficiaries of PAMASIA Global's services include organizations around the world, including Financial Markets Inc., USA, Eisenhower Fellowships USA, East-West Center USA, Ford Foundation New Delhi, South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, Chamber of Commerce and Industry and many private companies. Poonam Barua was also named a "LinkedIn Top Voice" or global online influencer on the topic of women in leadership in 2019.
You can see more about the content of the lectures in the video.