I.D.E.A. Project completes its journey

The I.D.E.A. project is nearing completion. Various materials related to the project's objectives have been prepared. You can see which objectives and which materials have been produced in a condensed form HERE

The project aims to improve the skills and knowledge of SMEs in the field of digitisation and internationalisation.

  1. Project result: Two modules have been developed, namely business strategy and digital tools.
  2. Project output: is an educational TV programme and 2 training videos.
  3. Project output: is a Digital Internationalisation Guide for SMEs.


Want to know more about this topic? Follow us at http://ideaproject.eu/

Project Partners
  • Faculty of Management and Faculty of Tourism Studies - Turistica (University of Primorska),
  • Università Politecnica delle Marche - UNIVPM (Italy),
  • CONFORM S.c.a.r.l (IT),
  • Pavia Sviluppo (Italy),
  • Camara Italiana de Barcelona (ES),
  • PIMEC (ES),
  • Research Centre for the Global Economy (PL).

Thursday, November 23, 2023 | FM | International Cooperation

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