The traditional 19th MIC Conference organised as a Joint International Conference took place in Opatija, Croatia, from Thursday, May 30 until Saturday, June 1 2019. The participating institutions were University of Primorska, Faculty of Management (Slovenia), Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow School of Economics (Russian Federation), and Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Faculty of Economics and Tourism 'Dr. Mijo Mirković' (Croatia).
This year the total number of participants was 110 organized in panel discussions and workshops. Selected best 89 papers were presented at the conference. All abstracts of papers are included in the Book of Abstracts.
According to the main theme of the Conference, Managing Geostrategic Issues, two keynote speakers presented their analyses in two plenary sessions of the Conference. On Thursday, dr. Anna Visvizi (Deree College – The American College of Greece, Greece) presented her analysis about the developments, contexts, challenges and synergies of Central Europe in the last three decades since the collapse of communism, 15 years since the Eastward enlargement of the European Union, in the aftermath of the global financial crisis and the euro area crisis.
On Friday, dr. Vladimir Gligorov (the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, Austria) presented his analysis on the relation between the rise of populism and maintaining international liberal order in the present context of international trade wars, of eurozone financial crisis and with respect to the future opportunities and constraints for the countries in the Western Balkans.
On both days, panels and workshops were dedicated to the presentations and discussions in the areas competitiveness and trade, issues in management, developments on the financial markets, institutional developments and policy-making instruments. In addition, several panels were devoted to the challenges and opportunities in innovation and technologies transfer, in venture capital developments, taxation and accounting, tourism, IT management, social welfare, research and education, agriculture and other general economic themes. Special Doctoral Students’ Workshop also took place at the conference. At the end of the conference, Editors’ panel presented procedures and possibilities in publishing scientific papers in MIC supporting journals.
Full papers presented at the conference will be published either in MIC 2019 Conference Proceedings or the regular of special issues, organized by the MIC supporting journals.
The MIC 2019 organizing committee would like to express our sincere thanks to all of the participants that contributed to the success of the conference.The preparations for the 20th MIC conference, which will take place Ljubljana, Slovenia from May 27 until May 29, 2020 are already taking place.