Slovenia celebrates 20 years of EU membership: a look back and forward with Dr. Ana G. Gnip and Dr. Andrea Pegan from UP FM

May 1, 2024 marks 20 years since Slovenia became a member of the European Union. This accession was part of the fifth, largest and most prepared enlargement in the EU's history, which saw the accession of nine Central and Eastern European countries alongside Slovenia. This step brought opportunities for Member States to develop their economies and other key areas that affect the quality of life of their citizens. Of course, there have also been challenges.

The guests of the Primorska Kronika programme, TV Koper, were the lecturers of the Faculty of Management of the University of Primorska, Assoc. Prof. Ana Grdović Gnip commented on how the accession to the EU has opened up many new opportunities for individuals and companies in Slovenia, and Assoc. Prof. Andreja Pegan, commented on the opinion poll that as many as two-thirds of Slovenians feel a sense of a European identity, i.e. The analyses also show that Slovenians' expectations of Europe's role in solving certain issues are unrealistic.

You are invited to see the VIDEO:

  • Assoc. Prof. Ana Grdović Gnip: from 00:30 onwards;
  • Assoc. Prof. Andreja Pegan: from 01:08 onwards, and 02:50 onwards.


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Wednesday, May 8, 2024 | FM | Education

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