The Centre for the Development and Knowledge Transfer of the University of Primorska hosted the steering committee of the Slovenian consortium Enterprise Europe Network (EEN)
As a consortium partner of Enterprise Europe Network Slovenia, the Centre for the Development and Knowledge Transfer (CRPZ) UP FM hosted the EEN consortium steering committee at the research institute InnoRenew CoE.
The members of the consortium, which, in addition to the University of Primorska, consists of the project coordinator Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, and the beneficiaries - The Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia, Regional Development Agency for Podravje – Maribor, University of Maribor, Jožef Stefan Institute, and SPIRIT - Slovenia Business Development Agency, discussed the achievement indicators of the consortium’s work, the successes of the members and plans for the future.
After the meeting, the members of the EEN management board met with dr. Andreja Kutnar, director of InnoRenew CoE, presented the institute and some of its vital research projects. She guided them through the institute's building and research laboratories and pointed out how the facility was designed and built.
You are welcome to see the photos in the gallery below.