Think XR closing conference sheds light on the future of education with new technologies

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024, the national and final conference of the Think XR project took place at the Crystal Palace (BTC, Ljubljana), bringing together top experts, teachers, students, and creators of educational technologies to discuss the future of education. The event provided a comprehensive overview and discussion on innovative technologies changing the education landscape.

The event started with opening speakers, including mag. Jasmina Mihelak Zupančič from School Centre Slovenske Konjice-Zreče, Urban Kodrič from the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, and Aleksander Sladojević from the Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training.

Among the highlights of the event was a panel on the strategies Slovenia should adopt in introducing new technologies in education, with contributions from experts such as Darko Mali, Dr. Borut Čampelj, Amela Sambolić Beganović, Urban Kodrič and Mag. Marko Papić.

The round table "Introduction of new XR software modules and curricula in educational institutions - challenges and opportunities" was moderated by Senior Lecturer Matevž Malej from UP Faculty of Management, and the participants were:

  • Prof. Janko Žmitek - VIST – Faculty of Applied Sciences
  • mag. Jasmina Mihelak Zupančič - School Centre Slovenske Konjice-Zreče
  • dr. Jože Guna – Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, University of Ljubljana
  • Adrijana Hodak - School Centre Nova Gorica/Inter-Business Training Centre-Medpodjetniški izobraževalni center

You are welcome to watch the video from 2:01:30 onwards here or below.

In addition, participants had the opportunity to hear presentations and discussions on smart classrooms, the introduction of new XR software modules, the development of e-textbooks, and the future of education, led by experienced experts and academics.

Highlights of the afternoon session included presentations on practical applications of XR technologies in education, the benefits of participating in a strategic XR and WEB4.0 partnership, and a panel discussion on developing digital competences and integrating the education system with the economy.

The event concluded with some more interesting presentations and round tables highlighting global trends in education and the role of teachers in the future.

The Think XR National Conference thus contributed to a broader understanding of the impact of new technologies on education and stimulated a constructive debate on the future of the education system in Slovenia.



Projekt Think XR sofinancira Norveška s sredstvi Norveškega finančnega mehanizma v višini 702.596 EUR. Namen projekta je Izobraževanje – krepitev človeških virov s ciljem izboljšanja človeškega kapitala.  Ta dokument je nastal s finančno podporo Norveškega finančnega mehanizma. Za vsebino tega dokumenta je odgovorna izključno Univerza na Primorskem in zanjo v nobenem primeru ne velja, da odraža stališča Nosilca programa Izobraževanje – krepitev človeških virov.

















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Projekt Think XR sofinancira Norveška s sredstvi Norveškega finančnega mehanizma v višini 702.596 EUR. Namen projekta je Izobraževanje – krepitev človeških virov s ciljem izboljšanja človeškega kapitala.  Ta dokument je nastal s finančno podporo Norveškega finančnega mehanizma. Za vsebino tega dokumenta je odgovorna izključno Univerza na Primorskem in zanjo v nobenem primeru ne velja, da odraža stališča Nosilca programa Izobraževanje – krepitev človeških virov


Thursday, April 25, 2024 | FM | Research

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