Transnational meeting of the project WE GREEN

WE GREEN - Rural Women’s Empowerment through GREen Social ENtrepreneurship (2022-2024)

On 15 and 16 February 2023, in Nicosia, Cyprus, Prof. Dr. Štefan Bojnec actively participated in the transnational meeting and meeting of the participants of the WE GREEN project, which took place in HUB Nicosia, Cyprus.  The achieved results were presented and discussed, and the division of tasks for this year was specially given. Prof. Dr. Štefan Bojnec presented for the PR 3 Implementation of the Capacity Building Programme. The next transnational meeting of the project is planned in Bucharest, Romania in September 2023.

Find out more about the project HERE.


Tuesday, February 21, 2023 | FM | International Cooperation

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