UP GUEST: Dr. Sang-Rim Choi from Hanyang University

At the UP Faculty of Management we are proud to be hosting a visiting professor between October 5 2021 and January 5 2022 in the framework of the project GUEST UP - Hosting foreign experts and professors at the University of Primorska. Our guest is Dr. Sang-Rim Choi from Hanyang University in Seoul, Korea.


Dr. Choi is professor emeritus at Hanyang University in Seoul, Korea and an expert in finance, financial management and international business. He is the director of the Foreign Exchange Research Institute and a consultant in many Korean companies in the fields of international financial management, international funding, asset management and foreign exchange risk management. He was a member of several committees of Government policies on Banking Development, International Finance, International Competitiveness, National Unification in Korea. He was visiting professor at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and at the University of Pennsylvania in the USA and at Beijing University in China. In 2008, he was selected as one of the five most respected educators in Korea.


During his visit at UP FM, he will be teaching the course Global Business Strategy in the Master's programme in Economics and Finance and participate in lecturing the courses International Financial Relations in the Master's programme in Economics and Finance and Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments in the Bachelor programme in Management.


The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Social Fund.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021 | FM | International Cooperation

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