VETWork final partner meeting and a closing conference

VETWork final partner meeting and a closing conference

In the framework of the EU Erasmus+ project VetWork, a meeting of project partners from Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia, and Romania was held in Budapest (Szamalk technical school) on April 17, 2023. As a representative of the UP Faculty of Management, Assist. Peter Štrukelj participated in the meeting.


Key topics discussed at the meeting were the dissemination of project resultsthe design of certificates for teachers and digital mentors, self-assessment of teachers' digital competencies, and some other remaining reporting and financial issues. On April 18, 2023, a conference on vocational teachers in the digital age was held at the same school (Szamalk). In the first part, lecturers presented new trends in digital education (role of artificial intelligence in vocational education: opportunities, problems, threats), in the second part, VetWork project partners presented their response to the AI ''tsunami'' (digital innovation in vocational schools, digital menu card and experiences from partner schools in digital culture development).


Friday, April 21, 2023 | FM | Research

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