On Wednesday, December 6, 2023, UPFM hosted an event that brought together experts, educational institutions, mentors, companies, and thought leaders in the technology sector. The event focused on the establishment of a strategic XR partnership to act as a catalyst for the development of digital competences not only in Slovenia, but also more broadly in the European Union.
Augmented Reality (XR) technologies are not just a technological advance, they open up space for creativity and collaboration. They can enhance learning, develop skills and create innovative solutions. XR technologies open the door to inspiring possibilities that go beyond the boundaries of conventional education and the business world.
The event presented trends and forecasts of XR technologies (Dr. Jože Guna with his invited lecture), the experience with the Slovenian XR Academy, the results of the new high school XR mentors, and the experience and perspective on XR education of the Norwegian partner university. Special attention was also paid to the EU context and the presentation of the national XR partnership. An open discussion followed, allowing participants to participate and exchange views and ideas actively. Finally, the participants tried out XR equipment (VR and AR goggles and a holofan).
Speakers at the event were:
- izr. prof. dr. Jože Guna - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, UL
- asist. Žana Juvan - Multimedia Laboratory FE UL
- asist. Klemen Pečnik - Multimedia Centre FE UL
- Jernej Kamenšek – ŠC Slovenske Konjice
- Aleš Pevc - Head of Technology Development Projects at Technology Park Ljubljana
- dr. Gabriel Kiss – Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim
The establishment of a national XR and Web 4.0 partnership for the development of digital competences is a high-profile step towards the creation of sustainable educational models in a time of rapid technological change. The event provided an opportunity to share the latest information on XR technology trends and highlighted the importance of networking between educational institutions, companies, and mentors.
As an innovative educational programme, the XR Academy responds to the need for formal and non-formal education in an era when digital competences are considered essential. The questions that emerged during the open debate not only shed light on current challenges, but also laid the foundations for further reflection on how to deepen cooperation between different stakeholders.
It is important to understand that creating an XR partnership is not only about introducing new technologies into education, but also about creating a holistic approach that encourages critical thinking, creativity, and innovation. Digital competences are not only technical skills, but also the ability to critically assess information, solve complex problems, and participate in virtual communities.
The alliance with the Norwegian partner university adds a global dimension, providing insights into different approaches to XR education. The exchange of experiences between countries underlines that the challenges and opportunities we face in the digital age are global and require international cooperation.
The common goals of developing new educational programmes, sustainable links within the education ecosystem and fostering cooperation with industry not only strengthen national but also European activities in the field of digital competences. In the future, it will be crucial to remain agile and to adapt education systems to rapid technological change in order to enable individuals to thrive in a digital environment.
Take a look at the photo gallery (below).
Funding: EEA Financal mechanism 2014 – 2021 and Slovenian national co-financing
Overall budget: 702.596 €
The project Think XR benefits from a € 702.596 grant from Norway. The aim of the project is education - strengthening of human resources with the aim of enhancing human capital. This document was produced with the financial support of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism. University of Primorska is solely responsible for the content of this document and in no case is it considered to reflect the views of the Program Holder Education – strengthening of human resources.
Together we are building a green, competitive and inclusive Europe!
The project Think XR benefits from a € 702.596 grant from Norway. The aim of the project is education - strengthening of human resources with the aim of enhancing human capital. This document was produced with the financial support of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism. University of Primorska is solely responsible for the content of this document and in no case is it considered to reflect the views of the Program Holder Education – strengthening of human resources.