AGRIGEP: Annual Conference 2024
Between 13 and 14 November 2024, the Annual Meeting of the AGRIGEP project took place on UP FM, which was divided into two parts:
First, an internal meeting of project partners and representatives of the European Commission’s REA from Brussels. Introductory greetings on behalf of the hosts were given by Prof. Dr Štefan Bojnec, AGRIGEP project at UP in Koper and Prof. Dr Michaël Mrissa, vice-rector for internationalization at UP.
In the following, the AGRIGEP project coordinator Dr Julianna Kobolák from MATE gave an overview of the progress of the project. This was followed by presentations and discussions of project partners by individual work sections.
Second, the Public Policy round table with stakeholders on gender equality and women's empowerment policies, in which Dr Boris Jerman from Luka Koper, Dr Janez Rogelj from the Ministry of Economy, Tourism and Sport in Ljubljana, Dr Kristina Žagar Soderžnik, president of the Commission for Equal Opportunities in Science in Slovenia and the Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana, dr Aurelia Calabro, UNIDO in Vienna, Director, Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment Division and Nadia Cigale, Head of the Slovenian-Cameroon Business Club, Duala Cameroon-Ljubljana. The facilitator was Dr Maxime Forest from Yellow Window in Brussels. The discussion was concluded by Prof. Dr Štefan Bojnec.
Extremely interesting presentations and lively discussion confirmed the relevance of the discussed issues for science, policies and practice. The discussion was concluded with an invitation from the representative of UNIDO that the partners of the AGRIGEP Horizon project also join the activities carried out by UNIDO, to organize a regional expert consultation or conference, to expand the transfer of knowledge, experiences and good practices.
At the end of the day, AGRIGEP project partners were received by the Rector of the University of Primorska, Prof. Dr. Klavdija Kutnar, and the Dean of the Faculty of Management, Prof. Dr. Tatjana Horvat. They reviewed the achievements of the AGRIGEP project, ongoing activities, planned activities until the project’s end, and its sustainability beyond the project’s conclusion.
Prof. Dr. Klavdija Kutnar, Prof. Dr. Tatjana Horvat, Prof. Dr. Štefan Bojnec – AGRIGEP project from the UP, and six other members of the AGRIGEP team.