Co-financing of doctoral studies in the academic year 2021/2022

The University of Primorska (UP) has published on its webpage criteria and conditions for co-financing doctoral studies at UP for the academic year 2021/2022.

In the academic year 2021/2022, co-financing of doctoral tuition fees will be available to all students of the University of Primorska who meet the criteria and conditions for co-financing doctoral studies set by  the Decree and Criteria for the selection of candidates for co-funding tuition fees in doctoral studies at the University of Primorska, adopted by the UP Senate at the 2nd correspondence session, on 17 April 2020.
Doctoral students express interest in co-financing doctoral studies by signing the Statement on eligibility for co-financing of doctoral studies for UP students in the academic year 2021/2022, which they will receive together with the invitation to enroll in postgraduate doctoral study programs at UP. 

Students will be informed about the amount of co-financing after enrollment in doctoral studies, presumably in November, as the amount of co-financing for an individual student depends on the number of enrolled students who meet the conditions for co-financing in each academic year and the amount of funds for co-financing doctoral studies. determined annually by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport in accordance with the budgetary possibilities and the Regulation.



Additional information can be obtained by interested candidates via e-mail:

Thursday, July 8, 2021 | FM | Education

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