MIC 2016 – Managing Global Changes

University of Primorska's Faculty of management has hosted the MIC 2016 (Management International Conference 2016) international scientific conference. This year's conference was titled Managing Global Changes. The event was attended by more than 200 guests from over 30 countries. In their papers and debates they discussed different aspects of managing global changes.

The Faculty of management organized the conference in collaboration with the Faculty of economics and tourism dr. Mijo Mirković of the University Juraj Dobrila from Pula (Croatia), Moscow State Univesity’s Moscow economic faculty (Russia), the Association for the Study of East European Economies and Cultures (USA), and the Society for the Study of Emerging Markets (USA). The conference took place between the 1st and 4th June 2016 in the Park Plaza Histria Hotel in Pula, Croatia. More than 200 guests from 32 countries attended the conference, which saw 158 original papers discussed.

This year’s conference was titled Managing Global Changes. New technologies, the internet, new modes of communication, globalization, changes in the political environment, a growing consumption of energy, the financial crisis, recession, a changing labour market and complex economic environment, demographic changes, poverty, growing inequality, climate changes, etc. are just some of the global changes, which have happened in the past few decades, challenging both the economy as well as society altogether. If we want to tackle these changes, we have to develop new guidelines for economic development and management policies, based on sustainability. The goal of the conference is to discuss different perspectives of managing global changes, with a special accent on the economy, finances, tourism and energy, while at the same time offering our guests the chance to discuss other questions related to global development.

This year’s two keynote speakers were prof. dr. Zdeněk Drábek from the Faculty of Social Sciences at Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic), and dr. Milford J. B. Bateman from St. Mary’s University, Halifax (Canada). Dr. Drábek focused on the meaning of globalisation and its effects on our everyday lives. His speech stressed the importance of regulating foreign investments, by the WTO (World Trade Organization), home countries and guest countries. Dr. Bateman focused instead on the unsuitability of neoliberalism as the main political system, because of the inequality it fosters. He argues that the IMF (International Monetary Fund) deprives developing countries of capital, channelling it into the hands of the wealthy elite in the western world.

The presentations of papers followed dr. Drábek’s speech. The presentations were divided in sections, organized in three parts: MIC, Economics, Finances, Energy and Tourism. Two workshops for doctoral students followed in parallel. The first Can Local Furniture Manufactures Compete Globally? was chaired by dr. Ali Kutan and Matija Vodopivec, and the second Publishing in Academic Journals – Tips to help you succeed by dr. Rachel Holt from world renowned publisher Taylor & Francis.

The conference closed with the editors’ panel, where eighteen international scientific journals were presented, including both scientific journals published 'Založba Fakultete za management' – Managing Global Transitions and Management.

MIC 2016 is successfully over. The organizing committee of the conference is already planning MIC 2017 which will be held in the beautiful city of Venice (Italy). See you there!

MIC 2016

Tuesday, June 7, 2016 | FM | International Cooperation

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