Summer issue (Volume 14, Number 2) of international research journal Managing Global Transitions delivers five fresh papers. Paschalis Arvanitidis, Christos Kollias, and Petros MessisAsymmetric Convergence in Globalization? Findings from a Disaggregated Analysis Valerija Botrić and Tanja BrozBilateral Trade and SEE–Eurozone Countries Growth Rate Alignment Yilmaz Bayar and Omer Faruk Ozturk Financial Development and Shadow Economy in European Union Transition Economies Nastja Tomšič, Mirko Markič, and Štefan BojnecThe Influence of Leadership Factors on the Implementation of iso 14001 in Organizations Radosław Macik and Dorota MacikTrust and Product/Sellers Reviews as Factors Influencing Online Product Comparison Sites Usage by Young Consumers All papers can be freely accessed on the following website: Friday, August 12, 2016 | FM
Summer issue (Volume 14, Number 2) of international research journal Managing Global Transitions delivers five fresh papers. Paschalis Arvanitidis, Christos Kollias, and Petros MessisAsymmetric Convergence in Globalization? Findings from a Disaggregated Analysis Valerija Botrić and Tanja BrozBilateral Trade and SEE–Eurozone Countries Growth Rate Alignment Yilmaz Bayar and Omer Faruk Ozturk Financial Development and Shadow Economy in European Union Transition Economies Nastja Tomšič, Mirko Markič, and Štefan BojnecThe Influence of Leadership Factors on the Implementation of iso 14001 in Organizations Radosław Macik and Dorota MacikTrust and Product/Sellers Reviews as Factors Influencing Online Product Comparison Sites Usage by Young Consumers All papers can be freely accessed on the following website: