7th congress subjects were Capital, Taxes and International Solidarity in the 21st century.

Faculty of Management joined forces with partner institutions from Scotland, Germany and Spain in a three year project LAURDS - The Latin American University Research and Doctoral Support, funded by the European Union within the framework of Erasmus +.
International scientific conference on economics and management – EMAN 2017 will be held 30 March 2017 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, in cooperation with Faculty of Management University of Primorska.

Winter issue of international research journal Managing Global Transitions delivers five selected papers of the MIC 2016 International Conference Managing Global Changes.

Our research assistant dr. Jana Hojnik has recently attended the 22nd Annual International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference, which was held in Lisbon.

Article The driving forces of process eco-innovation and its impact on performance: insights from Slovenia written by Jana Hojnik, PhD, and Mitja Ruzzier, PhD, both Faculty of management, has been accepted for publication in Journal of Cleaner Production. Journal of Cleaner Production is a reputable journal in the field of environmental economics and sustainable development with an impact factor 3,844.
2024 (75)
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2016 (12)