The 4th regular session of the Academic Assembly of UP FM took place in a festive atmosphere, accompanied by gift-giving.

On Thursday, December 19, the 4th regular session of the Academic Assembly took place at the Faculty of Management. The session brought together the faculty leadership, the academic staff, professional associates, and the student council of UP FM.During the session, we thoroughly reviewed the results and operations of the past year, assessed the success of our achievements, and discussed the upcoming plans and challenges.

The Academic Assembly of UP FM was first greeted by the Chair of the Academic Assembly, Prof. Dr. Anita Trnavčević, who highlighted the success of the past year, the promotion of professors to higher academic ranks, and growing interest in our programs.

The session continued with a review of the year 2024, presented by the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Tatjana Horvat, and the Vice Dean for Education, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Borut Kodrič. They presented the results of the past year’s activities and discussed the challenges and goals we aim to achieve in the upcoming year. They also highlighted the renovation of the curriculum for compulsory courses, the process of thesis completion, and elective courses. Additionally, they announced major projects and events to take place in the coming year.

After the introductory greetings and the report on the past year, a break with refreshments followed. As we approach the holiday season, we also took the opportunity to exchange gifts.

The session continued with presentations of newly acquired research projects, including:

Prof. Dr. Štefan Bojnec

  • Green transition in the EU: A comparative analysis of daily cycling migrations in Slovenia and Norway
  • The use of bicycles for tourism and daily migrations: A comparative analysis between Slovenia and Croatia
  • SiZdrav (Synergy between health, work, and education) – UP research program

Prof. Dr. Simona Kustec

  • Foundations for self-evaluation of research organizations in the field of knowledge transfer – ISERO
  • The role of T4EU universities in supporting social innovations in the field of circular economy
  • EEN6 (CRPZ)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suzana Laporšek

  • The labor market in the digital age: Effects and prospects for the future of work

Dr. Tine Bertoncel and Senior Lecturer Matevž Malej

  • TeachXR: The use of augmented reality in education

With full optimism and joy, we concluded the 4th academic session of UP FM, eagerly anticipating the opportunities and challenges that 2025 will bring.

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Thursday, December 19, 2024 | FM | Education

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