Faculty News 1/37


Call for Enrolment in Undergraduate Study Programmes of the University of Primorska in the Academic Year 2025/2026

In the framework of the Call for Enrolment in undergraduate and unified master's study programmes in the academic year 2025/2026, the University of Primorska announces the following free enrolment places for 30 undergraduate study programmes (7 higher professional and 23 academic study programmes):

1.545 enrolment places for Slovenian citizens and EU citizens, of which 1.225 are for full-...

The lecture on the labor market and the role of the Employment Service of the Republic of Slovenia

On Monday, January 13, 2025, an interesting and educational lecture took place at our faculty for third-year undergraduate students on the topic of the labor market and the role of the Employment Service of the Republic of Slovenia. Prof. Dr. Simona Kustec hosted Mr. Vladimir Popovič, the head of the Regional Office of the Employment Service of the Republic of Slovenia in Koper.

Sr. Instr. Martina Kovačič, new European Climate Pact Ambassador

Congratulations to Sr. Instr. Martina Kovačič (UP PEF and UP FM), who was appointed European Climate Ambassador on January 8, 2025 by the European Climate Pact, an initiative of the European Commission and the European Green Deal, a strategy to achieve climate neutrality in Europe by 2050. The initiative aims to involve citizens and organizations more effectively in considering, finding and implementing sustainable solutions.

T4EU "BACHELOR TRACKS" 2024/2025 spring offer published, registration is now open

With the University of Primorska joining Transform4Europe as a full member of the European University, new opportunities are opening up to broaden the knowledge of both UP and other students from T4EU member universities. "Bachelor Tracks" is a set of courses developed each academic year by T4EU members and offered to students as electives or additional courses. Registrations for the new academic year 2024/2025 is already open!

Joyful 2025!

Dear students,

As the year comes to an end, I address you with warm thoughts and sincere wishes. The year that is passing has been full of challenges, opportunities for growth, and moments that have brought us closer together. I proudly follow your efforts, dedication, and achievements, which reflect your perseverance and desire for knowledge.

Thank you for shaping our community with your persistence and curiosity, and for contributing to the richness of our faculty. May the coming year be filled with...

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elizabeta Zirnstein, Guest at the Roundtable at the Meeting of Certified Supervisors 2024

On Wednesday, December 18, 2024, the Association of Supervisors of Slovenia, in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia and the Slovenian Sovereign Holding, organized the traditional annual Meeting of Certified Supervisors, with a formal award ceremony for the recipients of the ZNS Certificates in 2024. The event was also attended by Dr. Elizabeta Zirnstein, Associate Professor of Law at the UP Faculty of Management.

Student mobility for traineeship

Erasmus+ gives students and young graduates the opportunity to do a traineeship/internship in a company or similar organisation in one of the countries participating in the Erasmus+ programme, either during their studies or within 12 months of graduation. Check the criteria here: https://www.upr.si/en/students-up/754-international-mobility/756-outgoing-mobility/traineership/.

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