I.D.E.A - Internationalization and Digitalization European Approach
Lead partner: Gospodarska Zbornica Slovenije Center Za Poslovno Usposabljanje
Project partners: Faculty of Management and Faculty of Tourism Studies - Turistica (University of Primorska), Università Politecnica delle Marche - UNIVPM (Italy), CONFORM S.c.a.r.l (IT), Pavia Sviluppo (Italy), Camara Italiana de Barcelona (ES), PIMEC (ES), HELLENIC AMERICAN UNION (EL), Research Centre for the Global Economy (PL)
Contact for UP FM: prof. Anita Trnavčević, Ph.D., Full Professor of Economics/Full Research Professor
Duration: 28. 2. 2022–27. 2. 2024 (extended till 30.4.2024)
Project number: 2021-1-SI01-KA220-VET-000034690
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
The project intends to increase, the corporate population of small and medium-sized enterprises, in the transnational partners’ reference contexts, the special skills, and knowledge of digital, cross-cultural international business management. The project is based on a systemic vision of an organizational/managerial, commercial, relational, and marketing nature, functional to define a correct and sustainable strategic planning of the international digital projection of companies, in response to the strongly felt need to enter, develop and remain in international business circuits.
The project follows four main objectives:
- To increase the digital, international business management skills of 80 workers of small companies in Slovenia, Poland, Italy, Spain, and Greece functional to define correct and sustainable planning of digital, international company projection;
- To align a group of partnership trainers and consultants (16), involved in two international mobilities to acquire the logic of the crossroads-based story to represent behaviors, situations, and relational dynamics typical of digital business internationalization;
- To co-elaborate a European blended training supply that is innovative and in line with the needs of workers and companies to improve their development opportunities in the globalized economy;
- Pilot the training course with at least 80 workers from European SMEs involved in the partnership.
I-THEN - International Technical Higher Education Network
Lead partner: Fondazione ITS Jobsacademy (Italy)
Project partners: Faculty of Management (University of Primorska), Institut de Vic (Spain) – TVET, Institut Escola del Treball de Lleida (Spain) – TVET, Universidade Atlantica (Portugal) – University, University NHL Stenden (Netherlands), OneOffTech (Germany), Lycée Marcelin Berthelot (France)
Contact for UP FM: prof. Borut Likar, Ph.D., Full Professor Full Professor in Management / Senior Researcher
Duration: 14. 10. 2020–30. 9. 2022
Project number: 2020-1-IT02-KA203-079561
Official project web site
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
Main aim of I-THEN is to establish a strategic and structured cooperation between European and non-European Universities and TVETs delivering technical higher education creating a network for the development of joint international courses and able to constitute – in the medium term –a European University.
Specific objectives:
- to overcome the skill gap encountered by students wishing to work in international business environments by developing, training teachers – and testing – a set of dedicated methodologies and techniques that can be embedded in joint international curricula to foster the development of a number of identified key entrepreneurial and cultural awareness competences.
- to establish a synergy between Universities and TVETs that will facilitate the transition between different EQF level courses and degrees (from EQF 5 to 6 and 7), thus increasing the learning and job opportunities of TVET students in Italy and all Europe.
- to bring technical higher education in the fields of marketing and business management closer to the requirements of the international job market by involving market representatives in all stages of the design and delivery of new joint international courses.
- to upskill HE teachers enabling them to successfully contribute to the development of entrepreneurship and cultural awareness competences among their students.
VETWork - Digital Culture for the 21st Century Vocational Education and Training
Lead partner: PROMPT-H Ltd (Hungary)
Project partners: Faculty of Management (University of Primorska), SZÁMALK-Szalézi Technikum és Szakgimnázium (Hungary), Országos Magyar Továbbképző Központ (Romania), Biotechnical Education Centre Ljubljana (Slovenia), Liceul Teologic Romano Catolic Szent Laszlo (Romania), Közép-magyarországi Agrárszakképzési Centrum - Magyar Gyula Kertészeti Technikum és Szakképző Iskola (Hungary), Expanzió Humán Tanácsadó Kft. (Hungary), Szakkay József Műszaki és Közgazdasági Szakközépiskola (Slovakia)
Contact for UP FM: prof. Borut Likar, Ph.D., Full Professor Full Professor in Management / Senior Researcher
Duration: 1. 9. 2020 – 31. 5. 2023
Project number: 2020-1-HU01-KA202-078760
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
The aim is to develop a new training and intervention model, which is closely linked to the following sector-specific priorities in the field of vocational education and training:
- Introducing systematic approaches for the professional development of VET teachers in both school and work-based settings, as well as through the development of effective digital, open and innovative education and pedagogies, as well as practical tools; raising the attractiveness of the professions for VET teachers, trainers, mentors and leaders.
- Supporting the uptake of innovative approaches and digital technologies for teaching and learning, as outlined in the Digital Education Action Plan, including the effective use of the SELFIE self-reflection tool to support a comprehensive approach to innovation, and the use of digital technologies for pedagogical, administrative, technical and organisational change.
The project aims to embed the traditional digital pedagogy teacher training program in a broader context by organizing customized school-based contact training sessions, linking it to organizational development components that enhance institutional digital competence and quality culture. For more info, pls. visit:
Intellectual outputs:
- O1 - Toolkit for developing Digital Pedagogy Strategy: Educational organisational development methodology, Setting the scene, Assessing digital competencies of school and selected teachers, Outline of Digital Pedagogy Strategy
- O2 - Digital Menu Card: Develop learning materials on identified needs, Implementation and testing of the online learning environment
- O3 - Developing and testing workshops for schools: Create specific action plans for schools based on needs analysis and menu card, Deliver workshops to teachers, Community learning content development, Repository for schools
- O4 - ICT-based creative classroom work: Teachers deliver digital lessons in practice, Case studies with conclusions
- O5 - Digital Pedagogy Training and Intervention Model (DPTIM): Certification of innovative teachers and Digital Mentors, Authoring and translations of DPTIM, Proofreading and publishing of DPTIM
S.Ma.R.T - Sales Management and Relationships for Trade
Lead partner: Universidad Rovira I Virgili URV (Spain)
Project partners: Faculty of Management and Faculty of Tourism Studies - Turistica (University of Primorska), Università Politecnica delle Marche - UNIVPM (Italy), Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny W Poznaniu – Pueb (Polanc), Chambers of commerce in the countries of the partnership, CONFORM Italy
Contact for UP FM: prof. Anita Trnavčević, Ph.D., Full Professor of Economics/Full Research Professor
Duration: 2. 11. 2020–1. 11. 2022
Project number: 2020-1-ES01-KA203-082116
Official project web site
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
The SMaRT Sales Management and Relationships for Trade” project partnership will develop, test and validate and promote a 20 ECTS credit course based on a balanced mix of classroom e/game based learning and WBL embedded in the current educational offer of 4 HEIs in 4 Countries which will be promoted and maintained for at least 2 years after the end of funding.
The project follows four main objectives:
- Establish durable collaboration between HEIs and Industry in the area of export (intra EU/on the global market) of niche, high end EU agriproducts by offering a comprehensive and innovative course aiming at training both export manager and buyers.
- Enhance employment opportunities also through targeted job placement ex post undertaken in synergy by HE and Industry in the thriving sector of EU high quality agriproduct exports that requires relevant and demand driven set of competencies and knowledge about both high quality agriproducts and export markets.
- Sustain the competiveness of EU high quality agriproducts and their international market share that is currently subjected to global competitive pressures (counterfeit, etc.).
- Favour the methodological alignment of teachers on instructional design and game based learning to modernize systems and methods of design delivery and evaluation of HE courses.
EASIP COMP - Increasing entrepreneurial competences of students through a practical approach
Lead partner: Volda University College
Project partner: Faculty of Management (University of Primorska)
Contact for UP FM: Tina Bratkovič Kregar, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in Entrepreneurship
Duration: 20. 10. 2019–31. 12. 2022
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
Project outputs will be strongly practical oriented, offering comprehensive support for long-term impacts on experiential teaching of entrepreneurship. Specifically, the outcomes are the following:
- An online entrepreneurship course and digital character (software). A set of tools, games and activities will be built in order to make lessons more experiential and the whole approach will be built on great user experience.The first part is a long process of research and analysis about entrepreneurship competences among university students. The second part consists in developing the entrepreneurship course: it will include activities for students, description of activities, material needed, recommendations for teachers, user-friendly explanations of theory, as necessary for students.
- Video-compendium of prototypes of business ideas created by students. The video-compendium will collect all students’ workplace business projects developed. It will present all projects prepared by students in a business environment, showing prototypes developed by students and a short presentation of all involved local companies.
In addition, the project will produce also intangible results such as:
- Increasing knowledge of university students about entrepreneurship, improving their employability
- Training university teachers in a new approach of working with entrepreneurship competences and with the world of business
- Increasing skills of entrepreneurship trainers by working with university teachers and supporting students in workplace learning
- Increasing cooperation between universities and local businesses in work-based projects
- Increasing internalization of the partner organizations
The project will have effective impacts such as:
- increased entrepreneurial mindset and employability of university students;
- increased ability of teachers in mentoring students for training courses on entrepreneurship; reinforced cooperation between universities and local companies in implementing work-based project for students;
- increased knowledge among higher education institutions and policy makers of practical approach in teaching entrepreneurship.
The EASIP COMP project results will be sustainable; methodological approach and intellectual outputs are flexible and adaptable and can be easily implemented in higher education organizations across Europe.
SOCIALNEET - From civil society organizations to social entrepreneurship - Combating youth unemployment and addressing the needs of NEETs
Lead partner: Institute of Social Economy Studies Greece
Project partner: Faculty of Management (University of Primorska)
Contact for UP FM: Armand Faganel, Ph.D., Assistant Professor for Marketing/ Senior Lecturer in Management
Duration: 12. 4. 2019–30. 9. 2022
The SOCIALNEET project is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment
The main challenge that the project SOCIALNEET addresses is the reintegration of young people, which are not in Employment and not in Education or Training (NEETs), into the labor market. Core objective of the project is the establishment social innovative business solutions and the finding of employment in social enterprises by young unemployed people aged between 18-29 and 25-29 years old.
INSHIP - Teaching Practice Partnership Model in Pre-Service Teacher Education
Lead partner: University of Ljubljana Faculty of Education
Project partner: Faculty of Management (University of Primorska)
Contact for UP FM: Anita Trnavčević, Ph.D., Full Professor of Economics/Full Research Professor
Duration: 1. 9. 2019–31. 8. 2022; UP FM joined May 25th 2020.
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
The project follows four main objectives:
- Provision of appropriate educational opportunities for student teachers in the course of teaching practice (INSHIP-model).
- Enhancement of the professional competencies of academic staff (INSHIP-course).
- Operationalization of tools and guidance materials for implementation of teaching practice.
- Development of Professional Learning Network in teaching practice.
POW BRIDGE - Bridging the gap between legislation and practice in the posting of workers
Lead partner: European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research, Austria
Project partner: Faculty of Management (University of Primorska)
Contact for UP FM: Elizabeta Zirnstein, Ph.D., Associate Professor in Law
Duration: 1. 1. 2020 - 31. 12. 2021
Founded by the European Union
The posting of workers is a dynamic form of labour mobility, which has received considerable political and policy attention principally in terms of preventing social dumping reflected in the revised Directive passed in 2018. The main aim of the project is to strengthen the efforts for the implementation and enforcement of the Directive in an inclusive, participatory and transparent form.
The strategic objectives of the action are:
- To promote and enhance effective and transparent application of EU rules on posting;
- To promote a more active participation of employers in the process of evidence-based policy-making;
- To establish, consolidate and expand multi-stakeholder cross-border collaboration among EU Member States and candidate countries.
LOVELY - Local Offering Veneto LifestYle
Lead partner: Kauri Business Solutions (Italy)
Project partners: Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Italy), IUAV University of Venice (Italy), Faculty of Management (University of Primorska).
Contact for UP FM: prof. Roberto Biloslavo, Ph.D., Full Professor Full Professor in Management / Senior Researcher
Duration: 2.1.2020–30. 6. 2021
Project number: CUP: B61B20000140009
The LOVELY project (ID10229969) - Local Offering Veneto LifestYle is co-financed with the POR FESR Funds Veneto Region "Call for support to projects developed by business aggregations" – Action 1.1.4 "Support for collaborative R&D activities for the development of new sustainable technologies, new products and services"Co-funded by the Region Veneto.
Main aim is the consultancy for the activity of analysis of possible new business models that use enabling ICT technologies to introduce innovative and sustainable services and processes in the tourism sector in Veneto and correlations with neighboring international contexts.
Specific objectives:
- Design and development of innovative marketing activities: innovation and digitalization in marketing processes or technological reworking of WEB Data to create Lead generation processes on which to undertake innovative marketing actions aimed at enhancing the VENETO Lifestyle brand.
- Design and development of new business models and value-added services: analyze knowledge-intensive services (KIBS) for companies operating in the enhancement, promotion and marketing of tourism and related products (food and wine, local crafts, etc ..).
The University, under this contract, undertakes to support the aggregation companies in the following Tasks:
- 2 Qualitative and quantitative profiling of destinations
- 7 Implementation of a pilot application solution of recommendation for the proposition of new business models
- 8 Testing of application solutions
AISAB - Applied Innovation for Students and Business
Lead partner: University of Gloucestershire, UK
Project partner: Faculty of Management (University of Primorska)
Contact for UP FM: Borut Likar, Ph.D., Full Professor in Management
Duration: 1. 9. 2017 – 31. 5. 2020
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
The AISAB Project will address the need within the EU to improve the level of innovation and its impact, particularly in SMEs. Building on the work of other innovation projects and materials, it will develop approaches to develop the skills that support SME innovation from an HEI context and through VET. These complementary streams of work will see implementation of initiatives to drive innovation, both during the project and also on a sustainable basis, by embedding the outcomes in the day-to-day activities of HEIs and organisations delivering VET to SMEs.
The project objectives are to develop learning materials aimed at enhancing student skills in assessing and implementing innovation, and build tools that students can use to facilitate their impact when consulting in SMEs. It will also develop a toolkit for SMEs to self-diagnose their innovation practice, as well as putting in place business intervention approaches that can be used to enhance innovation practices in SMEs.
- Develop a series of tools and techniques that leverage the work of previous projects, and established good practice, into a HE context for use with students to enhance their knowledge of innovation;
- Create a handbook/process guide enabling HE students to work within SMEs to assess and develop innovation practice to enhance their skills in assessing and implementing innovation;
- Design and develop a toolkit for SMEs to self-diagnose innovation practice and identify weaknesses;
- Develop business intervention approaches to enhance innovation practices in SMEs;
- Create case studies for use in a VET and HE context to support dissemination and exploitation of project results;
Write and present a research paper exploring reasons for weaknesses in the underlying culture and support infrastructure relating to innovation in SMEs.
NUVOLAK 2 - Innovative marketing tools for global competitiveness and use of synergies in SMEs in the cross border area
Lead partner: University of Primorska Faculty of Management
Contact for UP FM: Mitja Ruzzier, Ph.D., Full Professor of Entrepreneurship
Duration: 1. 10. 2017–30. 6. 2020
Co-funded by the Interreg Crossborder Programme 2014-2020 of the European Union
The main project results are:
1) Modernization, upgrading of existing platform Mikrobiz (developed in the framework of the Nuvolak project) with a web-based tool for assisting in the planning and implementation of marketing activities, additional materials, good practices, up-to-date information for setting up and running companies on both sides of the border and a network of mentors and support institutions from both sides and
2) a set of innovative marketing practices of SMEs in the border area, the exchange of idenfied good practices, the identification of key patterns and a proposal for a new or updated existing tool that will be implemented and promoted through pilot projects, workshops, consultations, meetings, seminars, joint student projects , competitions, exchanges of researchers, experts and organization of innovation festivals.
These project results will increase the level of cross-border cooperation between the key players in the program area by: presenting good practices; exchanges of researchers, entrepreneurs and experts and their inclusion in the pedagogical processes of the participating academic institutions; new cooperation agreements between cross-border actors in the innovation environment / faculties / SMEs; joint student projects on both sides of the border within the program area; networking and networking between mentors, researchers, students and institutions in the context of personal meetings and the online microbiz platform; competition for the most innovative projects / ideas / marketing approaches.
CAB - A cross-border business accelerator for Smart Specialisation Strategies
Lead partner: Friuli innovazione, Italy
Contact for UP FM: Mitja Ruzzier, Ph.D., Full Professor of Entrepreneurship
Duration: 2. 10. 2017–31. 3. 2020
Co-funded by the Interreg Crossborder Programme 2014-2020 of the European Union
The main project objectives:
To improve overall opportunities for innovation, which will increase the competitiveness of the programme area through a network of Italian and Slovenian key entities, who will jointly design, test and establish a new cross-border business promotion service capable of stimulating investment in the development of new, innovative products and services and technology transfer from R&D centers to businesses, especially SMEs.
Project specific objectives
- Increase the contribution of universities to a cross-border innovative ecosystem through research projects carried out in collaboration with other key entities on promoting entrepreneurship.
- Increase the accessibility of SMEs in the programme area to research results through greater collaboration with R&D institutions
- Increase the competitiveness of companies in the programme area through new cross-border promotion services used by 10 start-ups and 10 mature SMEs
iBLUE - Investing in sustainable blue growth and competitiveness through 3-Pillar Business Model (3-PBM)
Lead partner: University of Udine - Department of Electrical, Mechanical and Management Engineering, Italy
Contact for UP FM: Roberto Biloslavo, Ph.D., Full Professor of Entrepreneurship
Duration: 1. 2. 2017 – 31. 1. 2020
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through Interreg Mediterranean Programme 2014-2020
The main objective of iBlue project is to improve Med area yachting sector competitiveness by:
- creating an integrated and transnational network of yachting sector of the MED area;
- developing and applying a methodology for BMI of its actors, based the 3-pillars of sustainability (economic, social and environmental);
- providing a critical mass of knowledge about the sector.
- Through an integrated approach, we will involve actors of the whole nautical supply chain, from the production SMEs to the nautical service providers and the maritime sector tourists.
Furthermore, the cluster will merge competences of research experts, SMEs and local authorities, creating a critical mass of knowledge that will be able to influence policy makers through an impact indicator system. The concrete actions will increase transnational activities in three ways:
- by developing international cooperation and networking;
- by sharing knowledge helping the intelligence data management;
- by capacity building thanks to training and coaching actions.
- The innovative cluster, composed by actors with different capabilities in research and operations, though sharing the same innovation objective, will concentrate the efforts to support a key sector of the whole Med area: the maritime tourism and in particular the yachting.
SMeART - Knowledge Alliance for Upskilling Europe's SMEs to meet the challenges of Smart Engineering
Lead partner: Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM) Nemčija
Project partner: Faculty of Management (University of Primorska)
Contact for UP FM: Borut Likar, Ph.D., Full Professor in Management
Duration: 1. 1. 2017–31. 12. 2019
Project co-financed by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
The SMeART project seeks to support engineering SMEs in Europe in becoming ‘smart’.
We want to bring together the recent research findings in the field of Smart Engineering and the practical know-how of small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises to jointly tackle the related challenges.
Benefits for europe’s engineering smes from smeart:
- Information about funding opportunities on smart technologies for SMEs in your country
- Insights into the needs and demands of engineering SMEs in the field of Smart Industry
- Access to the supporting online-tools and practical guidelines on how to become a ‘smart company’
- Exchange and networking via the SMeART online-platform
LAURDS - Latin American University Research and Doctoral Support
Lead partner: Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU), UK
Project partner: Faculty of Management (University of Primorska)
Contact for UP FM: Roberto Biloslavo, Ph.D., Full Professor in Management
Duration: 15. 10. 2015 – 14. 10. 2018
Project co-financed by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
The LAURDS project aims at supporting university research and doctoral provision by developing resources for deployment at Latin American universities. The resources draw upon original research and best practices of the consortium of four Latin American and four European universities. The collaboration between the partner universities facilitates a rich transfer of knowledge. Therefore, the developed resources draw upon a diverse base of perspectives, experiences and practices that gives them a truly international and interdisciplinary nature.
ENOVA - Developing Entrepreneurship and Innovation Minor Programs in European Research Area
Lead partner: Yasar University, Turkey
Project partner: Faculty of Management (University of Primorska)
Contact for UP FM: Roberto Biloslavo, Ph.D., Full Professor in Management
Duration: 1. 9. 2014 – 30. 8. 2017
Project co-financed by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
The main aim of this project is to develop a minor course module on Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (EIM) which targets higher education students from different departments such faculties or departments of engineering, fine arts, and architecture who have career-plans as entrepreneurs. The duration of programme is 42 hours (14 weeks) which will be designed as one semester course. The course will be developed on a needs analysis report conducted in cooperation with university and business world. It is going to be tested through the organization of an Intensive Programme for 14 days (42 hours of workload)
This project departs from the question that how an effective Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management course for a multi-disciplinary study target group can be developed without falling into clichés and educational inertia? If EIM is to produce entrepreneurial and innovative founders capable of generating real enterprise growth and wealth, the challenge to educators is to craft courses and programs that meet the rigors of academia while keeping a reality-based focus and entrepreneurial climate in the learning experience environment. In many universities, especially in business schools, standardized education materials, static teaching techniques, creativity killing classroom settings are epitomizing crucial need for well-designed entrepreneurship education for diverse expectations. In addition to this, the existing courses are designed without taking into consideration the needs of the business world and expected qualifications of university graduates. Consequently, the existing courses did not provide the market the graduates that are equipped with relevant entrepreneurial skills and competences with successful performance results.
International Research Projects
Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)
International Comparisons of Product Supply Chains in the Agro-food Sectors: Determinants of Their Competitiveness and Performance on EU and International Markets
Lead partner: Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO), Germany
Project partner: Faculty of Management (University of Primorska)
Contact for UP FM: Štefan Bojnec, Ph.D., Full Professor of Economics/Full Research Professor
Duration: 1. 10. 2012–30. 9. 2015
Crossborder Cooperation Programme Italy Slovenia 2007–2013
Co-generation of Competitive Knowledge among Universities and Smes (KNOW-US)
Lead partner: Direzione sviluppo economico, ricerca ed innovazione – Regione Veneto
Project partner: Faculty of Management (University of Primorska)
Contact for UP FM: Roberto Biloslavo, Ph.D., Full Professor of Management
Duration: 1. 7. 2010–19. 9. 2014
Bilingual entrepreneurial web-based platform aimed at supporting the realization of cross-border entrepreneurial opportunities (NUVOLAK)
Lead partner: Faculty of Management (University of Primorska)
Contact for UP FM: Mitja Ruzzier, Ph.D., Full Professor of Entrepreneurship
Duration: 1. 10. 2012–31. 12. 2014
Shared innovative production technologies in border regions (SHARTEC)
Lead partner: Soča Valley Development Centre, Slovenia
Project partner: Faculty of Management (University of Primorska)
Contact for UP FM: Borut Likar, Ph.D., Full Professor of Management
Duration: 1. 9. 2012–31. 3. 2015
Factor Markets – Comparative Analysis of Factor Markets for Agriculture Across the Member States
Lead partner: Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Bruxelles, Belgium
Project partner: Faculty of Management (University of Primorska)
Contact for UP FM: Štefan Bojnec, Ph.D., Full Professor of Economics/Full Research Professor
Duration: 1. 9. 2010–31. 8. 2013
TRANSFOP – Transparency of Food Pricing
Lead partner: The University of Exeter, Research &Knowledge Transfer Innovation Centre, United Kingdom
Project partner: Faculty of Management (University of Primorska)
Contact for UP FM: Štefan Bojnec, Ph.D., Full Professor of Economics/Full Research Professor
Duration: 1. 1. 2011–31. 12. 2013
Central Europe Programme CEE
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
CEBBIS – Central Europe Branch Based Innovation Support
Lead partner: AREA Science Park, Trieste, Italy
Project partner: Faculty of Management (University of Primorska)
Contact for UP FM: Mitja Ruzzier, Ph.D., Full Professor of Entrepreneurship
Duration: 1. 10. 2010–14. 10. 2013
Erasmus multilateral projects
CSF - Creative Strategic Foresight - study programme
Lead partner: Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture (Finland)
Project partner: Faculty of Management (University of Primorska)
Contact for UP FM: mag. Armand Faganel
Duration: 1. 10. 2011–30. 9. 2013
Leonardo da Vinci Projects
Innovation on Forest Companies: Training tool for implementing innovation process in Forest Companies
Project partner: Faculty of Management (University of Primorska)
Contact for UP FM: mag. Peter Fatur
Duration: 1. 10. 2010–30. 9. 2012
Enhancing the quality of distance learning at Western Balkan higher education institutions (DL@WEB)
Leading institution: University of Kragujevac
Conatct for UP FM: izr. prof. dr. Viktorija Florjančič
Duration: 15. 10. 2010–14. 10. 2013
Bilateral Projects
Living and doing business online – challenges and opportunities
Contact UP FM: izr. prof. dr. Viktorija Sulčič
Duration: 1. 1. 2010–31. 12. 2011
Grundntvig Thematic Network
Volunteering And Lifelong Learning in Universities in Europe – VALUE
Lead partner: University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
Project partner: Faculty of Management (University of Primorska)
Contact for UP FM: asist. Katarina Košmrlj
Duration: 1. 10. 2008–30. 9. 2011