Student exchange – Incoming

Information for Partner Institutions


Before applying students have to be first officially nominated by their home institution. Partner institutions can access the nomination link here. Please submit the nominations before the deadlines below. After we receive nominations we send the application package to students informing them about procedures and documents (the whole procedure is done online).


Nomination deadline

  • 1st semester and full year students: 31 May
  • 2nd semester students: 31st October


Language requirements

Courses for exchange students are delivered in English language. Responsibles in charge of selection/nomination of students need to consider that required level of language knowledge is B2 according to the Common European Reference Framework for Languages ​​(CEFR) (for proof of compliance see below On-line application procedure).


Information for nominated students

Courses in English

At UP Faculty of management we offer to exchange students courses at undergraduate and master level. Undergraduate students may choose from undergraduate courses only. Master students are advised to choose master courses. If a master student decides for an undergraduate course, a written consent by his/her home coordinator is required. Please contact our International office.

Have a look at our LIST OF COURSES.


On-line application procedure

Application deadline

  • 1st semester and full year students: 15 July
  • 2nd semester students: 30 November

First you need to register in the provided web link:



After the registration you will be guided further within the application tool to complete the application procedure and upload the necessary documents.


Within the application procedure you are obliged to:

  • fulfill the on-line application form
  • enclose document Learning Agreement for Studies signed by student and student's home university
  • enclose either a relevant certificate about English language knowledge (TOEFL iBT score of 72-939, IELTS score of 6-6.5, Cambridge FCE, Oxford B2 Upper intermediate, TOEIC min. 700 points and similar) or, instead of a formal certificate, a letter of support from a professor of English language confirming the student has the necessary knowledge of English language. Required level is B2 according to the Common European Reference Framework for Languages ​​(CEFR)
  • submit photo for Student Card (Photo should be in .jpg/pdf./.bmp format in color. Size of photography must exceed 35x45mm with resolution greater than 300 dpi (min. 400x503 pixels). Photo should be clear image without any marks, as for the purpose of the issue of personal document. Furthermore it must apply to standards for biometrical processing).

In case you need to apply for visa/temporary residence permit in order to entry in the Republic of Slovenia, submit with application form also the form STATEMENT: Student's Statement for the issue of the CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE TO AN EXCHANGE PROGRAMME – you find the form in the section FORM TEMPLATES in the application tool.

After submitting the application form you can also fill-in section Information on housing for accommodation placement. The University has not its own capacities but you will be advised for eventual vacant places in the available facilities.

All this steps are necessary to be completed by the set deadline.


Sending documents

All necessary documents within the on-line application procedure need to be uploaded electronically. If you need documents signed in original, send them by regular mail to Faculty of Management:

University of Primorska
Faculty of Management
International Office
Izolska vrata 2
SI-6000 Koper

Or you can have documents signed after your arrival.


Letter of acceptance

Letter of Acceptance for study exchange at the University of Primorska will be sent to the students within 30 days after application deadline.



International Office

Marisol Pribac
International office 

 00386 5 610 20 02

Social Media
