Are you looking for a course that will inspire you, challenge you, help you find solutions, enable you to pursue ideas, encourage you to grow in every way? Opt for the PhD in Management at the Faculty of Management.
This doctoral programme is for all who are driven by a spirit of research and a desire to discover and understand managerial, economic and legal phenomena. If you are interested in the latest scientific developments, but above all willing to invest your time and will in discovery and research, and perhaps even see this as a career opportunity, then the PhD in Management is the right choice for you.
From 2024/2025, the part-time study programme in the Doctoral Programme in Management is expected to be offered in three concentrated periods (batches).
ECTS: 240
Level of qualification: Slovenian Qualifications Framework (SQF): 10, European Qualifications Framework (EQF): 8, European Higher Education Qualifications Framework (EHEQF): third cycle
Structure: 8 courses (5 core courses, 3 elective courses), doctoral seminar, preparation and publication of a scientific article, individual forms of knowledge transfer, dissertation work, doctoral dissertation defence with promotion of research results
Degree awarded doktor znanosti/ doktorica znanosti eqiv. to Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)
Language of the programme: Slovene, also in English from 2024/2025
Location: Koper