Graduates will develop competencies, such as
- understand the development of management theory,
- conduct research, development and operative activities, as well as entrepreneurial plans in large, medium and small-sized organizations,
- planning, organizing, leading and supervising organizational operations,
- introduce solutions and draw up development plans for organisations by applying scientific methods and approaches, as well as by effectively using up-to-date information and communication technology,
- use research methods, procedures and processes,
- critically assess and analyze professional problems and their possible solutions,
- use communication skills, an independent approach and team-work aptitude and master specialized terminology applying to their area of expertise.
Content of the programme
The objectives of the study programme are to educate experts in management for a broader understanding of the economic and social environment and globalization processes, in-depth understanding, research and development and application of new methods of planning, organizing, managing and supervision in organizations, for critical thinking and systematic solving of the most demanding interdisciplinary problems, for critical judgment of managerial decisions in terms of sustainable development and social responsibility in the organization.
During the study students must complete 15 courses (10 mandatory courses, one elective module with three courses and 2 free elective courses) and masters thesis. Organized forms of course work of two years amount to a total of about 500 hours. The estimated student workload, including all activities for completing his or her study amounts to 1500 study hours per year. The components of the study programme are lectures, seminars, professional and research work, writing and defending a masters thesis.
Graduates profile and employment opportunities
Graduates are qualified in managing R&D and business plans in large, medium and small organizations. Graduates are trained in planning, organizing, managing and controlling operations, preparing development plans and implementing solution using professional and scientific methods and approaches and effective use of modern IT technology.
Graduates will become experts, professional managers in organizations and consultants able to resolve complex problems at all levels. They will also become heads of departments or directorates in the public sector and be able to take on high level tasks.
Graduates will find employment in business and other organizations, in public sector and in research organizations.