Admission Criteria

graduates who completed their studies in the fields of: Economics (0311), Business and administration (0410), Accounting and taxation (0411), Finance, banking and insurance (0412), Management and administration (0413), Marketing and advertising (0414), Law (0421), Personal services (1010), Travel tourism and leisure (1015) in Transport services (1041) of

a)    a first cycle study programme; or

b)    a study programme for a previous graduate qualification (pre-Bologna programmes). 

Graduates from other professional fields must pass an examination in Selected contents in management and business sciences (12 ECTS credits) in the form of an entrance interview demonstrating ability of critical thinking about management challenges and understanding current developments in the business environment.


All applicants who enrol in the study program in English language are required to demonstrate English language skills at B2 level according to the Common European Reference Framework for Languages ​​(CEFR) with a corresponding certificate.

The relevant proof of compliance with this requirement can be:

  • Certificate of completion of English language examination at B2 level or equivalent certificate (eg. TOEFL iBT score of 72-94, IELTS score of 5.5-6.5, Cambridge FCE 160-179, Oxford B2 Upper intermediate EF SET 51-60, TOEIC min. 785 points, Pearsons PTE exam 59-75, and similar)
  • a certificate received by the graduate of the general matura (in Slovenia), from which it is evident that the foreign language is English at the B2 level,
  • a certificate of completion of secondary education in English language,
  • a diploma at a higher education institution in a study program conducted in English language and a confirmation (statement) that the candidate has completed the program in English language.


In accordance with Article 41 of the Higher Education Act, candidates are ranked in cases where the number of available places are limited. Candidates are ranked based on their undergraduate GPA.

A ranking list will be published and candidates will be notified.

Information about prerequisite exams is available here.



Transferring between study programmes is possible according to the Higher Education Act, Criteria for transferring between study programmes and other regulations of this field.

Transfer between study programmes is the enrolment in the higher year of the study programme, in case of leaving the studies in the first (initial) study programme and continuation of studies in another study programme of the same degree. The transition takes into account the comparability of the study programmes and the completed study obligations of the candidate in the initial study programme. The transition between study programmes is also enrolment of a graduate in the higher year study programme of the same degree.

Transfer in the second year of the study programme is granted to candidates, who transfer from second cycle study programme from fields of study, listed in the section »Admission requirements« for enrolment in the first year.

Transferring between study programmes is granted to candidates, provided that the following conditions are met:

  • the candidate fulfils the admission requirements for the study programme;
  • upon completion of studies, the study programmes ensure the acquisition of comparable competences or study outcomes;
  • at least half of the obligations under the European Transferable Credit System (ECTS) from the first study programme relating to the compulsory courses of the master's study programme Management may be recognized according to the criteria for recognition of skills acquired prior to enrolment in the programme.


According to the above indents, the transition to the master's study programme Management is also open to graduates of academic study programmes (pre-reform study programmes, adopted before 11 June 2004) and graduates of other master’s study programmes in the fields of study, listed in the section »Admission requirements« for enrolment in the first year.

Applications for transferring between study programmes are considered by the relevant Commission. In accordance with the Criteria for transferring between study programmes the Commission takes into account the comparability between study programmes and study obligations the candidate has completed in the previous study programme, that can be recognized in this study programme.



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