Financial management

The Financial Operations module is suitable for those who wish to upgrade their finance and accounting skills relevant to decision making in the firm. In accounting courses you will learn how selected business events affect financial statements, how to prepare business reports and how to understand their content, what are the reporting obligations and possibilities of tax liabilities optimization.

Within the course Company accounting policy, you will learn about the impact of selected accounting policies on economic categories and financial statements, analysis of financial statements for external users, and the relationship between the accounting policy and taxation of companies.

The Controlling 2 elective course is aimed at understanding and applying more sophisticated approaches to accounting budgeting, controlling, analysis, income adjustments and tax optimization.

The financial part of the module comprises the course Financial Management 2, which is a supplement to the contents studied in the first year of the study. Here you will learn:

  1. what determines the firm’s value, how it is measured and how we make decisions in the direction of increasing value;
  2. how to distribute the value created to owners and the impact of the distribution policy on the firm’s value;
  3. the financial aspect of mergers;
  4. risk management;
  5. real options in decision-making and
  6. international financial management issues.

The module offers also an elective Alternative Business Financing course, where you will learn about specific and innovative forms of corporate financing suitable for starting and growing businesses or for providing liquidity to your business.



                      1st Year                    

     2nd Year     

Management and Organization (9 ECTS)
Obligatory courses
Business process management (9 ECTS)  Leadership (6 ECTS)
Strategic management 2 (9 ECTS)  Research methodology (6 ECTS)
Supply chain management (9 ECTS)  Master thesis (18 ECTS)
Managerial accounting (6 ECTS)
Financial management 1 (6 ECTS)  Financial management 2 (6 ECTS)
Marketing strategies (6 ECTS)  Corporate accounting policies (6 ECTS)
Entrepreneurial society (6 ECTS)  Accounting and financial law (6 ECTS)
  Elective course 1 (6 ECTS)
  Elective course 2 (6 ECTS)

*ECTS = Eruopean Credit Transfer System


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